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Everything posted by 1P1A

  1. 度(ど) is a counter for degrees, and 分(ぶ) is a counter for tenths of a degree. So 6度4分 is 6.4 degrees. If the units aren't mentioned in the text, it's generally safe to assume they mean Celsius.
  2. Recently, some of the Venus Blood shills went a little overboard.
  3. Jeez. If she gets tired she can just rest her head on her own tits.
  4. Moege: Generic cuteness, no plot Charage: Generally has lots of cuteness, character interactions is the plot Nakige: I've only really seen this term used for stuff like G-senjou's main route, or Key games where the ending is the only notable characteristic. Nukige: Fap fap fap
  5. >More than 3 ingredients Too much work for me.
  6. @tymmur is lost in the woods. Send help, I cannot pass.
  7. You can buy it from DMM, or DLsite. It's only available in Japanese.
  8. Looks like it's region-locked so you may not be able to buy it from the account you're using since it's been linked to a foreign credit card. Here's a post I found:
  9. For the SETTEC error, you have to put an exception in your anti-virus.
  10. Internation version $2.00 (-40% $1.19): https://store.steampowered.com/app/896030/Fortissimo_FA_INTL_Ver/ Chinese version $10.00 (no sale): https://store.steampowered.com/app/844920/Fortissimo_FA/ I think you'll expect the same quality of English translation as all the rest of their trash.
  11. These three are the only ones I've played that seem to actually have straight up horror elements, although they are chock full of moeblob: Chronobox Iwaihime Higurashi Psychological: Saya no Uta Sayonara o Oshiete Gross: Dustmania Grotesque Euphoria
  12. I recommend looking at Google Tips & Tricks. Especially that first example under "How to Google It". Then just search keywords like "nodvd" "alpharom" and the known piracy sites. Might not be super helpful for the pedostuff though.
  13. One the Loli's sex scene CGs were replaced by dolphins by the troll fan-TLers. I think the rest just has to do with when Fuwa hosted torrents and such.
  14. Probably blinded by all the smoke coming down from my province.
  15. I remember watching the anime way back when and hating it. Then, everyone was like "Oh but the VN is so much better!". No, no it was not. Garbage nearly the whole way.
  16. There's apparently a bunch of Trump apparel and trinkets.
  17. I have a sudden urge to make a deluxe hot chocolate. Might leave out the azuki beans, though.
  18. Oh sorry, you're totally right. What an oversight on my part! Revision: "Wow, what a disappointing few years it's been."
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