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Everything posted by Kuma

  1. No. Consequently it is a FACT. Confusing it with a responsibility does nothing than inflicting an imaginary burden on those that do not live in poorest condition. You say we have a responsibility because the generations that came before us worked their buttocks off to give us what we have? Uh, yeah. That's why I said we should use our time trying to change something instead of playing "whose fault was it?" on the internet. Nobody said that we should not be conscious about our own existence. Is it even possible to be unconscious about it? And yes the world is still a jungle. The only difference is that the "loser" gets to whine on the internet instead of being killed. That's how all life in existence is. Nobody wants to get in a position where it is less comfy than before. If you can't fit in, you create your own place in it and if you can't do that, you die out. Natural selection. Nobody can say that it isn't a part of modern society. Saying that's wrong is like saying "No, it's not raining. My hair is not wet and I won't catch a cold." when in some heavy rainfall. Some things can't be changed by human virtue alone. You want to tell a german about "refusing to accept responsibility for past actions"? We still pay for the crimes of some austrian madman. Being passive about something you can't change and accepting it are two different things. And having an advantage = others having disadvantages is kinda cute. How do you define "advantage" and "disadvantage" and how is it possible for everyone to have the same definition? You seem to know your way around this area more than me. And my statement was never directed at you but at humanity as a whole. the whole second half was. Sorry if you felt adressed.
  2. I don't think he was saying that there are no advantages about birth, family etc, I think he is more pissed about the "take responsibility for being born white part". At least thats the part that pisses me of. "Take responsibility for your parents not having enough genes to make you some minority without privileges" does seem kind of dumb to be honest. While we have the chance to make the world a better place, it is by no means an obligation. People can't be made responsible for something that is not their fault. Sure, you could blame neighborhoods, cities, states, nations and at the end the world. Does blaming and crying for responsibility change something vor the better? NO. If you have time to blame use it to change something. Start small and it might grow. Or it withers and dies.
  3. Serious, now we're at "White Privilege" niveau? Anyone wants to glas some juice? And While we're at it: no more chocolate for murica, looking at you, man moving into the big white house, those cotton clothes don't fit anymore. /satire /cynism /sarcasm /notreallyserioushere That's another problem with 'modern entitlement', The Others are always at fault. Whenever something happens the finger always point the other way. "While it may not your fault, it is your fault for existing in this situation" or stuff like that might be worse than racism. Blaming people just for existing is pretty low. Racism can be explained with fearing the 'different', but finding fault in people just living as white or black or queer or straight or something else is the worst.
  4. My guess would be masochism or some relict of the cold war. Either that or they really should check their educational system. Maybe they should, anyway. Better education and understanding of the world is never bad.
  5. The internet does not forget and never forgives. But you gotta love how everyone either hates or loves Trump.
  6. maybe. next person will die after reading this
  7. We really should stop here. Us two derailed this topic pretty heavy ^^" Let's agree to disagree and depart our ways, alright?
  8. Wait a year or two and at least one of them should get some people that will work on them. Yuzusoft is too big a name to ignore for fantranslators out for fame.
  9. Ok, next time I'll use "we might be in need of a non-nuclear global crisis". You're right saying, that way it sounds not as bad. But I somehow think I need to explain myself again. That post of mine was not intended to be taken serious. My concerns are true but exaggerated to prove my points, please think of it as a twisted form of satire. While you might be right, your wording is kinda off. Critizising the thought process of some people voicing their opinions, as twisted as those opinions may be, can be seen as arrogant. No offence intended
  10. Ok, I knew some would get this the wrong way, I regret wording it that way and I'm sorry I offended you. Originally it was intended as a Hyperbole. My point was that too much of a time of rest & peace produces unrest. If we don't have any real kind of crisis, we ourselves create a crisis. But yeah, world war was waaaay to much of a hyperbole, again sorry about that ^^"
  11. welcome... to... he ... fuwa...
  12. Ok, I know I'm throwing oil in a fire (sorry about that, really) but Tyrosyns post was, while not constructive, an accurate describtion of whats wrong with the current generation. Just throwing random words in the air and most of them fit this generation: entitlement, arrogance, angst, superiority complex, hatred. (yeah, I'm a cyynic today) Entitlement is the worst part of it. Young people in general seem to see privileges as their rights. And if its not 100% of what they wanted, it means war to them. Taking everything the generations before us worked their souls off to get and all the current generation seems to say is: "That's all? We could have done a better job and faster while we're at it." America, and europe btw, were "peaceful" for far too long, at least in my opinion. If politics get stale all eyes turn either to the left or the right. And most get pulled in the direction that promises change. Even if that change might not be for the best. Brexit, Right Wing Movement in europe, Putin don't giving a f*** (ok, that's nothing new, how many centuries has he ruled anyway?) and religious extremists getting more and more active. If "peace" lasts too long we start to destroy ourselves. I'm not saying we need a new WW or something, but... Maybe we really do. Sorry, if it sounds like some kind of doomsday prophecy ^^" Most of it can be taken as some kind of twisted humor if you can't relate and if you can, sorry, I'm with you on this one.
  13. I'm with Tyrosyn on this one. To be honest I'm not particularly fond of how america dictates everything from media to popculture and lowering the bar on everything. I really look forward to see the (mostly selfproclaimed) cultural "center of the wohle universe!" shift after all angsty cultural influences leave america after crying and fleeing. If the country is seen as a restriction rather than a support, you are sure to look for some kind of extremism. Not really helping that modern american philosophy semms to be of a 'shoot first, ask question later' track with all social groups spouting extremists the moment they start to exist, if not earlier. Plus americans seem to love explosions and the people that scream, fart and barf the loudest and piss the widest. I bet Trump as president is a step to world peace even if most of you think of him as worse than hitler. I seem to recall that he wanted to focus on the inner workings of america, anyway.
  14. Yeah, I know. But I study literature & translation at university, should be easy enough to work in a field where I get my name in a book
  15. Funny trivia: What is now known as "visual novel format" is not really "visual novel format". If you don't believe me lokk NVL and ADV format at vndb, if they didn't delete it yet. I can only talk about vanilla BB and I don't know if it changed in later installments, but vanillas story mode fits as a hybrid. The story sequences are long and often enough and not interrupted by gameplay. If long sequences of uninterupted naration in a game do not count as VN hybrids, what else does?
  16. As a child I wanted to be a knight or a hero. Slaying dragons, saving damsels in distress and getting rewarded by kings. Now it is being the evil guy spreading terror wherever he goes, getting young maidens as sacrifice for turning my wrath somwhere else, being paid for wreaking havoc and destroying those foolish "champions of justice" in both body and mind. ... ... ... Nah, just kidding. Or am I??? For a long time my dream was to write my own books, but I'm too lazy. Now it's just having my name in one. Either as "translated by" or in the page where authors bash their friends and those that helped creating their work. But that's not really a dream and more like a goal.
  17. I have to agree here, BlazBlues Story is pretty massive. Most modern RPGs don't have that much nowadays. I don't really know how much time you normally sink into fighting games, but in vanilla BlazBlue 2-3 hours of VN style narration per character seem pretty long to me. Most people don't think this is a VN, but funny thing is I've seen people claim Neptunia or Atelier Games are VNs
  18. "Why should we be fair to someone who has more money than us, more fun in his life and accomplished more with just existing than all of us combined did by doing stuff!" /sarcasm I think it's just modern "political correctness" that teaches us to hate anything that is not the popular opinion. "Don't like what we do, well sucks, you racist child ra**er born from incest. WE are the tolerant ones and YOU are intolerable!" And it might not be obvious, but this is an opinion. If it offends you, just don't listen to it.
  19. I started World of Final Fantasy a week ago and it's GREAT. The twin protagonists are somewhat annoying but everything else is wonderful. Nostalgic, hillarious and somewhat tactical if you don't know FF. It's the classical FF experience I have been waiting for years.
  20. I like Disgaea and I love Prinnies. The whole concept of puting the souls of sinners into exploding penguins to atone for their sins by being forced to slave their life away is just...
  21. How about this? Never played it and never will, but it has gore and gore and gore.
  22. I liked it well enough, until the true route that is. It started going downhill after the beach scene. At the end I had even more questions than before. What/how was the doppelganger, wtf was up with the wings, and how can Momo have acces to her real Pad when she is in a virtual reality? It starts strong with the first 3 routes being good and disapoints at the grande finale
  23. *Obligatory "he will make anime real" answer* Except for some memes, I don't think so. Him being in charge might as well be a plus for us since all people that scream "censor XYZ" seem to be against him
  24. Have you already played Kanojo Step? I just started it a short time ago and I already love it. The perfect mix of relaxing atmoshpere and bursts of laughter. The protagonist might not be everyones cup of tea but he gets pretty relatable later on.
  25. I just finished Re:LieF and its True Route was kinda underwhelming. The first 3 were nice enough, although on the short side. But the true route just felt rushed. They start to deconstruct the protagonist only to revert him to his former state of mind after a short friendship speech... And best girl only got half an end But at least she NTRs the protagonist somewhat xD
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