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Tay last won the day on January 4

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About Tay

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    Archmage's Tower
  • Interests
    Reading, Writing, Languages, Nerddom


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  1. Walks forth from the empty, post-apocalyptic hellscape of IPB 3...

    1. Crimrui


      Tay, I have a question if you don't mind. I might have been absent from time to time so I didn't fallow all the announcements about the main page. Who is in charge of it? Cuz' I've seen new VN's getting out and no changes in the actual front page. Shouldn't Last Resort be showed in there?

      Also, donation button still doesn't work. At least for me...


    2. Tay


      Hey there,

      Ultimately, yeah, that's me and it's my fault that the front site is still a bit stagnant. We're working on rebooting the front site, but you're absolutely right: there's no reason why we haven't added at least some of the new releases. I'm going to go check with Nay, and then I'll put this on my to-do list.

      For what it's worth, the lack of love to the front site wasn't based in laziness. There were concerns about the current database vs the new reboot's database (thus why I need to talk to Nay). Further, I've been wanting to add pages for licensed games, too, but I'm not able to easily add features to pages, such as a "Buy it here" button.

      RE: Donate button -- should be fixed by Tuesday. I'm having trouble with Paypal and the forums' donation app. That's on my to-do list for tomorrow and, if needed, Monday and Tuesday, so I plan to have it fixed by then. Thank you very much for the generosity!

      Did that address your questions? I'm all ears for pushback or more thoughts/questions : )

      - Tay

    3. Crimrui


      Thanks for the reply. Honestly, the main feature that I loved about the main page was the Browse and Upcoming pages, it was never about the torrents. Yeah, we have VNDB for searching, but it's so much convenient and better to search translated VN's the way it is presented there. Please don't change that.  Having licensed games and ones in the works from Mangagamer, for example, should be in the upcoming/browse section as well. However, I realize that updating the translation percentage for every VN is time consuming, and I wouldn't mind if you take that out (you already give excellent update on the translation blog anyway), just as long as current upcoming VN's are there, and for more info you can link to forum or something. And link to directly buy a game it is a great idea, but that shouldn't be a priority. ˇˇ

      Keep up the good work.

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