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Blog Entries posted by Flutterz

  1. Flutterz

    Bet you thought this blog was long dead? Unfortunately not. Now that the translation project seems to be dead in the water, I've decided it's time to finish this VN and bring this blog back.  My Japanese powers have doubled since the last time I read this in Japanese, so it's actually going a lot smoother this time around. It's also nice that DeepL exists now, it's incredibly helpful when I'm having trouble figuring out what the hell they're trying to say in some convoluted sentence or something.
    Quick summary of the end of Bethly's route for all the 0 people that read my blog but don't want to read the actual good translation:
    Also, while reading Hinata's and Momiji's routes, I realized that each route has something of a recurring theme.
    Now, on with the show.
  2. Flutterz
    Since apparently I have nothing better to do I think I'll go through my posts and fill this blog with all the moe I've posted in intro threads.
    Hopefully this doesn't count as copyrighted stuff?

    The fact that you can't embed more than 30 images at a time makes me a sad panda.

    Cool story time. I realized that I'm not bored enough to manually copy ~600 image urls, but I am bored enough to write a program that will do it for me, as well as neatly compile them into groups of 30. So unless I forget I'll post 30 images at a time every now and then until I run out. Dunno what I'll do after, maybe keep posting them in groups of 30. For those who are really bored, here are all of the images:

  3. Flutterz
    Been busy this week, didn't get to read as much, took a bunch of screenshots though!
    Bethly came to school the next day, all healthy and less depressed.
    The one-room classroom had its first meeting, and it basically consisted of Yukito, the 5 grills and Momo-chan-sensei as the teacher. Since the topic was "My favourite thing" and Yukito was first, he gave a speech about how the local mountaintop was his favourite thing, and everyone liked it so much they decided they wanted to go there.
    Bethly also talked about her favourite thing, which is Alberta, and her mom. After the one-room classroom, everyone went home together, and discussed the two speeches.
    It was decided that they'd go up to the mountain top on the weekend. Naturally Yukito and Yuzuki arrived at the rendezvous point first, and they soon saw what looked like Hina being accosted by two large gentlemen, and figured they must be womanizers, so Yukito had to go save her.
    Turns out they were just tourists trying to get directions.
    Eventually everyone but Bethly arrives, and since she's nowhere to be seen we end up taking the cable car without her.
    A short while after we reach the top, we hear a familiar sneeze somewhere nearby.
    Once the group is all back together, everyone decides to have a snowball fight, as middle-schoolers do.
    Well, that's all for now, and now it's time for more reading!
  4. Flutterz
    I think I did well on the test, so it's time to post some moe to celebrate! (and yes, I would still have posted even if I felt I did poorly)
    PS. Looks like there's quite a bit of yuri in this one, me likey.

  5. Flutterz
    #17 already? That's means I've posted just over 500 pics! It also means we should be completely caught up by tomorrow. Not sure what I'll do with this blog afterwards, maybe just post moe here whenever I post it in intro topics, or maybe wait until I get 30 and keep posting it in chunks like this.
    The latter sounds better, but it'll probably take a few weeks to get 30.

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