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Everything posted by Khazit

  1. About Worm: It's a pretty popular web serial (as popular as these things go) about people with superpowers who probably shouldn't have superpowers. The specific of the story is pretty unnecessary as far as understand my fic goes, but if you want to check it out, be warned that the fic would have a big spoiler regarding the underlying mechanic of powers. I intend to do some short-ish stories for whichever VN happens to catches my liking at the moment. And anyway, here's everything you'd need to know about Worm as far as my fic goes: Fragment of the fallen gods. A Worm/ Visual Novels multi-cross. First stop: Swan Song.
  2. Well. As someone who had dabble here and there with fanfic writing, I'd like to try my hand at writing fanfic for some VNs. But as it stands, the English speaking fandom for VNs is mostly nonexistence on fanfic boards like ff.net or Ao3, outside of a few popular series (and mostly, those are popular because of their anime adaption more than the original VNs). So... May as well try it here. Wouldn't hurt, would it? I can't say that I'm a good writer, nor I have any intention of seriously taking up writing. But I do hope my stuffs don't come off as too crappy. So here we go?
  3. Hi guys, I'm looking for some VNs that have the view point character(s) not being the hero of the story, and more importantly, not the one to finally "save the day", but rather just someone who provides support, or even just an observer to the real centerpiece hero(ine).
  4. Well, anyway, I just watched Inglorious Bastard again, and it left me wonder: Is there any VN that portrays hatred or revenge in a (relative) positive light? I'm looking for something like the climax of IB, when a bunch of Nazi is trapped in a burning building while the culprit laughs. Ie: when the hate is justified and not involving bystanders.
  5. Strong, handsome, awesome hero! 10000/10000
  6. Consider how recent it was that gay marriage was illegal in the majority of US states, why are you surprise?
  7. Er, less about "hardcore" and more about US laws banning all form of bestiality. There's a Cracked article about a trashy romance writer a while back, and he mentioned that Werewolf/puma/bear/etc... written porn exists because the laws explicitly ban bestiality and people get around that by using "technically transformed human". Kinda funny because Bear is a Canadian classic.
  8. Okayyyy.... That seems wayyyy too explicit for Valve.
  9. I like Liarsoft's old Streampunk series and Kindred Spirits's art. I also like Steins; gate. Innocent Grey is also nice. In general, I dislike overtly large eyes and too much "anime-esque" art.
  10. Look like she's having a good time. 10/10.
  11. I honestly couldn't fap to that... It drained all the joy out of me, watching that horrible train wreck.
  12. If you're open to Yuri I'd suggest Kindred Spirit on the roof. There're ghosts, but aside from the fact that they're ghost, almost no other super nature element.
  13. As someone who very rarely watches Anime and doesn't read manga at all, is generally unfazed my moe-ness, and find random H-scenes weird, it's the "choose your own adventure"-esque-ness for me. Or in case of a selected few, actually interesting story (Liar's stuffs, for me, mostly).
  14. Still willing to offer medical aid. 7/10.
  15. Depend on scenario. Generally 35-45.
  16. Great game. Can be bloody hard if you're going in blind, so I suggest read up some guide first. OK story, not really heavy on detail but enough to make you interested. Also, based Franko! Also, rush Metal workshop 2 => Hatchet, and bring it with you to every new location, since murdering military and bandits and loot their stuffs doesn't lose you much morale but net a huge amount of goods. Never try that with civilians, though, it will massively affect your morale and may net you a bad end. Always try to sneak kill (make sound from outside their vision by running => hide => wait until they pass through you and the sneak kill prompt appears). Prioritize gathering expensive goods (Med, bandage, foods, moonshine, etc...) and trade them to Franko when he shows up for massive amount of basic material that you would otherwise need several nights to haul.
  17. So anyway, I've been reading Swansong, and to be honest, it's kind of depressing/disturbing so I'd like to do something silly to easy my mind. For those of you who haven't played This war of mine, it's about a group of people trying to survive in a war torn isolated city in the middle of a civil war. Pretty similar to Swansong, all things consider, but allow you to take a more ...idealistic route for the survivals. Anyway, one of the side character is the trader Franko. He'll always shows up at your shelter every few days, regardless of the fighting, the raging winter, the band of bandits roaming the street, bringing an obscene amount of goods for trade, including rare stuffs like food and medicine, for an even more obscene amount of more common stuffs like wood. Although he loves to gouge price, he's so vital to the survivals that the fanbase in general adore him. So, I was thinking, how would the event in the VN change if there's this one guy, regularly show up at major survivals centers, bringing supply that he pulled screaming out of the Warp with him, willing for banter?
  18. Because I'm reading Swan Song now... "They are. But in Special Circumstances we deal in the moral equivalent of black holes, where the normal laws — the rules of right and wrong that people imagine apply everywhere else in the universe — break down; beyond those metaphysical event-horizons, there exist... special circumstances. That's us. That's our territory; our domain. " - Rasd-Coduresa Diziet Embless Sma da' Marenhide, Use of Weapons. “Everything I’ve said in the past stands. Humans are idiots. They’re selfish and unjust and unfair, they’re violent and clumsy and petty and shortsighted. Don’t get me wrong. Every part of that applies to me, too. I’m not setting myself above them on any level.” “But at the end of the day, sometimes humanity isn’t so bad.” - Taylor Hebert, Worm.
  19. Finally, I may be able to finish this! I've played long into it enough using trans soft to guess the story, but a full version sounds nice. And I do interested in writing a fanfic for it...
  20. Xotan: I am Xotan the all-being, architect and creator of all of reality. I am God. And who might you be, you insignificant speck of flesh? The Plutonian: An atheist. — Irredeemable, Issue #26
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