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Everything posted by Aei

  1. I find it very controversial to pay people if you take the case of fan translators, given that the localization is not official at all and pretty much illegal. And fan translating is a double edged sword, because it can make a title less likely to be licensed; i saw Peter pain from JAST say something close to that in JAST forums. I think a title like Walkure romanze would be better officially translated and released than fan translated.
  2. Which problem? The fact it became a fuss just because i disagreed with one of your posts and said that the game is an excellent vn (with my reasons)which it seems was a big deal for you (i tried to loose it up at some point and you still came back with an angrier post). You keep attacking me in your post whereas i was stating my opinion there. That's only why i replied. I wouldn't have if you didn't made derogatory comments. Where did i insult you? I never did. I was just making reference to the fact that you had a big role into the thread degrading itself, as well as myself taking part into this ridiculous "discussion". don't make me look the bad one, at first, i was simply expressing my disagreement with one of your posts. It was just a little remainder because you reacted like you didn't have nothing to do in the matter at all, whereas you came of as abrasive in your previous posts.
  3. And now you act like you add nothing to do with the problem...
  4. I think it would be too bad to lock the topic...up to there everything was fine then it ended into me having to prove objectively my statement about the fact i think the game is "excellent"...:à Those are wise words. In conclusion: I say that Walkure romanze is an excellent title: it's my right and sorry, you have the right to disagree Toranth but there is no point into going into a pseudo objective discourse and going into great lenght to proove me i am wrong because basically, you can't. It's pointless and doesn't make any sense. I said that the title was excellent regarding it's objective qualities but if you disagree then it's fine. If you don't like some of the words i used before like "hypocritical" and such, just consider they are aimed at what you said and not you personnally. You many times came of at me with an insulting tone, so please don't act like i insulted you or like you were the victim here. There were none, and basically it was just a pointless discussion.
  5. Erogamescape is not the graal which represent the whole of the japanese vn readers. There are places where the game is rated highter and by the way, I don't see how a single website is a reference to judge a vn quality especially considering the score in it is nowhere "average", most people rated it between 70 and 89 which is a pretty good score. On vndb the game is scored a strong 8. Definitely not an average score as well. So i don't see your point. By the way I deleted my previous long post because it was not worthy at all to respond in great deal to you. This "discussion" was stupid and ridiculous. I don't understand what was the big deal with me only stating my opinion about the title. If i consider that it's an excellent vn i am perfectly entitled to my opinion regarding the objectives qualities it has.
  6. No need to say to me to calm down...i provide my perspective on the matter, which is not less relevant that yours. (By the way it's not only mine because a lot of players would say walkure romanze is an excellent title based on evaluations and critics). I may say Walkure romanze is a "masterpiece", my point of view is as valid as yours. And the point i make about the objectives qualities of stories in vn novels is something that most are not willing to accept but actually rather true. Surprisingly you didn't answer about it. What makes a Visual novel great, is an emsemble of factors, and in many departements, walkure romanze is well above the average, that's why i say it's an excellent visual novel. It's hypocritical to admit the titles has many qualities well above your standard so called "storygames" and then deny it to be an excellent title on the justification you call it a nukige and then suddenly you cannot say it's an excellent work anymore (omg, it's a nukige, it cannot be excellent!) . You ignore that having a story create an atmosphere and a sense of attachement, as well many time what people call "good stories" in vn is something highly dependant of these two factors. And i completely disagree about your point about "As a straight nukige, it is a failure because you go a long time between h-scenes". First, generally i dislike the term nukige, but even if you call a game like this it doesn't mean that it shouldn't have developpement, story and anything else that just h scenes. Sorry but what makes it appealing to me it that there are H scenes and a story as well which makes it even better. I don't see how it is a bad point that there is others things that just the H scenes in it and that there is a long time between them. Sorry but i think you act like a snob. You don't possess the truth. It's only your own point of view, and you have no relevance to judge others as what constitues quality for them or about a so called objective quality measuring. What i make relevance is your hypotrical stance as you obvious can't say it's bad given the titles qualities, yet the fact you come up to the conclusion it's not an excellent title while it's better than many others in many aspects. Also erogamescape doesn't by any way represent an objective measure of quality nor a measure of every japanese vn players (and by the way most of the people ranked it between 70 and 89 which is a pretty good scoring range.) Go look for this review to see that story by itself is not what makes a good vn for many, please don't say things that doesn't make sense like "japanese rate this and say about it"... the opinion depends of the persons : http://eroge-hyouka.com/2012/01/post-64.html I never said Walkure romanze is "among the best pieces of litterature ever produced by humanity", (please notice the difference of saying it's excellent) and yet this statement is Subjective. Sorry, but there isn't any Vn which could be considered as something among the best pieces by litterature standards or even above average in this concern. Most would be rather considered as plainly bad or below average. Virtually none if none of the vn author and stories would ever make it in the litterature market or as stand alone authors: the stories and writing they provide is simply not good enough for it. Vn point is not on the stories alone otherwise it would have failed very big. You can say what you want but you can't deny this fact. If something is popular, it means that it has some qualities which makes them appealling to a lot of people. I know there are people who act like there is a so called objective value of what constitues quality and like . What constitues a masterpiece or an excellent piece is subjective, and you might not like 50 shades of grey and Harry potter you can't deny the impact they make on general appeal and the quality they may display that please to many people. It makes me think about the ones who like to talk about things in art and music that no ones like and yet claim that it's of way better objective quality despite it being so impopular in cases. Walkure romanze is an excellent Vn because of it's objectives qualities. And one could say that the fact it has strong emphasis of very high quality H in it makes it even better.
  7. It's only your own point of view about the story. Actually on an objective side most vn's stories are not so great if you compare them to other medium especially litterature (actually most stories and vn writers would never make it in the litterature market because their stories are simply too weak). What makes VNs interessant is most of the time the atmosphere of the game, the characters, the art, not only the story. It's a combination of things and i see many want to ignore this fact and instead claim to concentrate only on the "story". Sorry but actually if you want only a very good story, Vn is simply not the best medium out there. And by far. So to me the last statement is highly hypocritical. And i dislike how some people suddenly are not claiming a title is excellent because it has a lot of h scenes and such.You admit the game is amont the top on around every departement: art, va, music, writing, H scenes. All these things are what makes a great vn, and by considering this Walkure romanze is definitely an excellent title (also very highly rated and one of the best sellers in japan when it was released). But yet you try to dismiss it's qualities on the ground of h scenes. I don't like this hypocrisy coming from some vn players. And like i said, the main artist of the game is an hentai author. So how is it surprising if there is a strong emphasis on H scenes? at least they are doing what they want with is a good thing and are not including "self imposed" H scenes reluctantly like they were forcing the author to add them. Walkure romanze is an excellent title and i find it so bad that there are people who want to deny it simply because it's a game with an emphasis on h scenes. It doesn't change the game's qualities which are well above average of any of your standard story moege. Actually these kind of reaction tend to of proove what was said in another topic "why people feel insecure about the subject of H scenes". But a game with excellent H scenes makes it better not worse. And it should be licensed not fan translated i think; only the editor is the one who can bring the chance to release the game in it's unaltered state without censorship on cg.
  8. Honestly, if this game should be translated it has to be done through an editor to be legit. The problem with fan translations is that sometimes when a game is fan translated chances for it to be licensed are slightly decreasing. So instead of asking for people to translate it, the best thing to do is going through one of the western publishers and suggest them to license the title, (i personnally would go through jast): there are many people who want this one to be localized in english. And Ricotta titles and specifically Walkure romanze is for sure "such a good game", it's for good reasons that it was one of the most popular titles in Japan at the moment of it's release. Visuals are superb, i think it definitely features some of the best looking cg you have in the vn medium, and in a fair amount (there are a lot of them) and the chara design is very individual and S rank too (the characters looks gorgeous and especially a specific blonde knight ...) I cannot judge the story but it seems that it's quite good given some reports i had and the duration of the game looks decent. I read several reports as well, and a lot of them are ranking the game really, really high. Like nekolover said maybe he played the game in Japanese to some extend, you don't know. And even if he didn't play the game, it's easy to see it's not your regular poor vn but instead a top notch title, even by looking only the visuals. What is the point in trying to dismiss his opinion? Looks like snobism.
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