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Near Ichikawa

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Everything posted by Near Ichikawa

  1. I may never be the same again... Clannad broke me but nothing has ever made me question my own sanity as much as this game. The ending was probably the best for me because despite getting two bad endings before the good i realized that this was not a happy story and that there was no happy ending for me. So i may have called what was going to happen because i was so set on this being a tragedy. A beautiful BEAUTIFUL HEART-WRETCHING TRAGEDY AND I WILL PROBABLY HATE YOU FORVEVER because that was the first time i actually fell for a childhood friend in anything, When I can donate or if there's a kickstarter for the sequel i will be there in a heartbeat. Keep up the good work and also sick references xp. So all i can say is play this getting it some recognition and by all means support these people they flipping deserve it.
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