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Everything posted by iceking522

  1. So I have been playing Majikoi and after completing several routes I decided to try Majikoi S. Long story short, in the process of downloading Majikoi S I has to change the system location to Japan because the words were a bunch of symbols and the game wouldn't open up showing me a message that I couldn't read. I changed it to Japan and the game started working... All is ok right? Wrong. Well Majikoi S now works but whenever I open the original Majikoi all my save files are gone unless I change the system back to United States (what I originally had it as) in which case all my files are back but I can no longer play Majikoi S without the changing system location to Japan. I feel like ^this was a bit too confusing so I will summarize my question without the description as well. How can I have access to both Majikoi and Majikoi S without having to switch system locations.
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