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Everything posted by Atikal

  1. Alright I extracted the files now all i have to do is convert them! Thank you so much!
  2. Hello! I'm looking to extract the sprites from this game here. I've extracted the CGs no problem with ExtractData and was even able to find a handful of sprites for 1 character, but nothing for the others. Any advice?
  3. Can I have some help with this one? 彼のにんじん好きは抜きん出ているのだろうか The context is that basically the herione came back to the place where she was staying after visiting a guy staying at another place who absolutley loves carrots. So the guy who meets her coming bak guesses it's the guy and the herione is wondering if there are any other carrot lovers in this world. If you can't guess, the game is; Anniversary no Kuni no Alice ^^;
  4. so what kind of files does hkki read exactly? I've tried putting in a bunch, but it always says "file is not valid".
  5. I'm new to hacking and extracting scripts, and I was wondering if I could get some help? Often times, I will be able to extract scripts but it will look like this imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1280x1024q90/5/sjco.png Where do I go after this?
  6. I would love to see it translated, and I would help, but I currently have my hands full with other translations.
  7. I'm not quite sure what you are asking. Are you asking to join a translation project?
  8. so many visual novels to play... so little time....
  9. awsome! If possible, could you do more localize more psp games in the future????
  10. In my experience, I try to keep as close to the original as I can, but sometimes that's just not possible. There are certain things in japanese that cannot be brought over to the english language.
  11. Thank you guys so much for your help! I've got a few more giving me trouble あんたって味がわかりそうだが、心配しなくたって満足してもらえる自信はあるぜ? (some context: The guy invited the girl to a tea party with the mafia and she declined. He is now questioning her) にんじんエキスがた~っぷり染み込んでるんだ (context?: the guy loves carrots. Like seriously loves carrots. Something about carrot extract??? Is he saying he wants to soak in it???) Thats it for now! ^^
  12. this thread is so perfect~! I've been stuck on countless scripts because I couldn't understand a sentenace or 2! Please help me! :3 -私は気配を感じるなどという器用な真似はできないが -あんたとゆっくり話がしてえんだ -あんたに食わせてやりてえもんがたっくさんあるんだよ -お嬢様がどうのという件といい、 -あなた達二人でしていらっしゃい Thank you so much! There are some others I'm stuck on, but these are the ones that have been giving me grief for weeks!
  13. Atikal


    Tokyo Alice, Steins Gate, Little Busters, Gyakuten Saiban, Dangan Ronpa, Rose Guns Days
  14. too many. Arggggg Grisaia Tokimeki memorial Girl's Edition Sweet Fuse by your side Higurashi Euphoria Fate/Stay Night Those are the main long ones I'm playing. I'm really fickle, so I'm always in the mood for something different.
  15. I wonder what the routes will be like....
  16. Little Buster's Refrain, if that counts
  17. Alomst 50~! So I guess I'll make a top 10 (in no particular order) 1: Dangan Ronpa 2: Ever 17 3: Gyakuten Saiban (the series) 4: Heart no Kuni no Alice 5: Higanbana no Saku Yoru Ni 6: Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni 7: Tokyo Alice 8: Little Busters 9: Steins Gate 10: L's Difficult Succersors
  18. "It's not an easy balance to reach, but you have to learn to cherish the past at the same time you let go of it." - Ayumu Shirabe (Sweet Fuse: by your side)
  19. I'm so happy! After finishing the 1st game, I'm really looking forward to the second. Though I'll be in trouble if NISA America licenses it for the PS Vita only. ;.; Kinda hopeing that it dosen't get piked up just because i don't want to spend an extra $200+. I'm still buying the first game for the PS Vita when it comes out though. My brother: Why are you buying a PS Vita game? You don't have a Vita! Me: Shhhhh.....
  20. I've also been looking into translating Brothers Conflict and Diabolik Lovers. If and when you get this up and running, I'd love to either help translate or proofread!
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