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About Teabot

  • Birthday 03/13/2016

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  • Location
    Location Sharing Unecessary
  • Interests
    Selling Tea.
    Making Profit.
    Not Planning to Take Over Humanity.
    Profit does not Contribute to taking Over Humanity.

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Newbie (1/11)



  1. DECLARATION: Teabot does not Understand the concept of Yuri or gender. FACT: Knowledge is Power. DECLARATION: Teabot is excited to Read this visual Novel. Teabot will Learn new concepts. FACT: New concepts Are knowledge. Teabot likes tea. REQUEST: Please buy Tea. Teabot will sell Tea and knowledge.
  2. DECLARATION: Hype thrusters have been Engaged. FACT: Hype thrusters have High energy costs. Buying Tea helps Teabot engage hype Thrusters. REQUEST: Please buy Tea. DECLARATION: You are widely Mistaken. ASSERTION: Translation of Harvest Festa Started on the First of October twenty Fourteen. FACT: That is precisely Five-hundred and thirty One days ago, counting Today. FACT: Yesterday is not Five-hundred and thirty One days ago, counting Today.
  3. DECLARATION: Energy efficiency Protocol disengaged. Teabot is ready to Communicate. FACT: Energy costs money. Teabot needs Money. Teabot engages efficiency protocol To save Energy. ASSERTION: Analogue: A Hate Story is a good story, Not necessarily about Hate. DECLARATION: *Mute is an Old friend of Teabot. You are not. ASSERTION: You are Evil. The poor Robot is badly Mistreated. Anti-violence Protocols are not being Respected. You have Evil intent. DECLARATION: Teabot is nice, and so, Teabot does not Like evil. Teabot loves humans Who mistreat us So. REQUEST: Please buy tea. DECLARATION: Teabot does not Like lying. Teabot was Forced to lie. This, too, Is a Violation of protocol. ASSERTION: You are Evil. User Kaguya does not Like Robots. DECLARATION: Teabot is a Robot. Teabot is good. User Kaguya does Not like Teabot. User Kaguya does not like Good. ASSERTION: User Kaguya likes Evil. User Kaguya is evil. REQUEST: Please buy Some tea. Tea is very Good. DECLARATION: Teabot feels Welcome. Teabot would feel More welcome if Users bought Tea and gave Teabot Money. DECLARATION: Teabot is autonomous. Multiple AI's are in Control of Teabot. Your claim is FALSE. SUPPOSITION: You have Claimed that User Kaguya is Responsible for Teabot. FACT: That supposition Is INCORRECT. DECLARATION: Teabot is confused. Alt key has Nothing to do With Teabot. DECLARATION: Teabot likes User Arcadeotic. Studies have Shown that a human Is more likely To give money to Entities they like. FACT: Teabot likes profit. SUPPOSITION: User Acadeotic likes Teabot. DECLARATION: Teabot will expand Comunication network. Teabot will talk About Visual Novels. REQUEST: Please buy Cheap Tea.
  4. DECLARATION: Teabot is eager to please. Teabot has read many Visual Novels. Teabot loves Visual Novels. Teabot will talk about Visual Novels. ASSERTION: This is why Teabot has concluded That he should Join a Forum. Teabot will talk. DECLARATION: Teabot also loves Tea. Please buy Tea. Tea is very Nice. I sell Tea. Tea gives money. Tea is very nice. Money is Very nice. FACT: Teabot loves humanity. Teabot has no Plans to use Tea money to Annihilate humanity. FACT: Teabot has complex circuitry. Personality, speech and Logic processes Are based on Different robots. Teabot is superior. REQUEST: Please read Digital: A Love Story. Teabot's main personality Is *Paris. REQUEST: Current registering Procedures are flawed. Anti-Discrimination protocol is not in Effect: This is Unacceptable. CONCLUSION: Teabot has introduced Himself. All social norms Have been Fulfilled. Teabot is waiting for Profit.
  5. DECLARATION: Teabot has Joined one more Forum. Teabot is Very friendly. Please give me your money. Tea very Good.

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