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Everything posted by nohman

  1. I second, third, fourth, and fifth this. Anything short of this emote getting in would be a total disgrace for our community.
  2. Welcome to the forums, I'm glad you decided to join us. I hope to see you around.
  3. That kind of goes without saying, doesn't it? The two ('true route' and canon) are somewhat synonymous, at least in my mind. For me, the importance of how canonical something is only extends as far as how extensive the body of work for a series is. For something like Star Wars, which has a large extended universe, it's a pretty important designation when it comes to discussing things like character and world events. For most VNs - for example Deardrops, which only has a small continuation in story in the form of a fandisc, it's only important so far as discussing the sequel. For VNs that don't have fandiscs, proper sequels, or adaptations, what's canon is completely worthless.
  4. I'm bummed about the news, Die Hard is my favorite Christmas movie of all time and I watch it every year during the holiday season.
  5. Caught up on S2 of Haikyu, which was a mistake. I usually don't watch stuff while it's airing and now I either have to watch it weekly or wait 11 weeks for it to finish. Planning on watching either Overlord next or knocking out 40 episodes of Ace of Diamond, which doesn't really sound too appealing to marathon.
  6. Sometimes the designation is just a reflection of the most well-thought out and best scenario in a game, other times it the foundation a sequel is built on? I think what Decay was trying to say was that it's all just stories, something being designated as a true route takes away absolutely nothing of value from another route. It's a mostly arbitrary designation from the perspective of solely enjoying a work for the contents of what it is.
  7. I was pretty much just going to say what Down said in regards to what CeruleanGamer posted. It's all stories, nothing is really invalidated by having the word of God declare something as a "true route." Even if the other two games invalidate the heroine endings in GnK, that doesn't take away from what they made me feel while reading them. I found Angelic Howl really special, no less so just because the other games go down other threads.
  8. I would, but that's just because I find it kinda tacky - even as a huge pervert. Nothing wrong with it though.
  9. It's been awhile, but what was so sad about her good ending?
  10. Why not use Best Girl Bill Murray? P.S. Haven't you outsourced your avatar to the forum before?
  11. Ended up watching all of One Punch Man today. Here comes the postpartum anime depression.
  12. Welcome to the forums.
  13. nohman


    Welcome to the forums, I hope to see you around.
  14. Without knowing what you've previously read, the first VN that comes to mind when I think catharsis is Narcissu.
  15. Finished Haganai, which was amusing. Started on Jormungand and looking to start either S2 of Ace of Diamond or S2 of Haikyu today.
  16. With light-hearted romance in mind, check out the Majikoi series. I'll also second Katawa Shoujo and Hoshimemo. Noble*Works just recently got translated, though I cannot vouch for its quality as I'm still working my way through the common route. It's a light, easy read though.
  17. Thanks for the hours of effort behind this, glad to see the forums back up. Chalk it up as a learning experience and get some rest.
  18. Merry Christmas everyone. LYV86VZVLAX
  19. I failed to save the one I used last year, so I'd appreciate one pretty please. I'll leave the hat used to your discretion.
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