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Everything posted by LoganW

  1. I like the green hair and eyes 8.5/10
  2. *Insert cliche welcome message here*
  3. Wait wait wait... That's 100% Photoshopped... Nice try though
  4. True: scarfs and man buns 4 lyfe Next person has been watching the Euro 2016 cup
  5. False Next person has "MLG" skills at some game
  6. Welcome! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Hope to see you around!
  7. Welcome! Hope to see you around
  8. False Next person has used a emulator to play a game
  9. Nice color scheme + cute girl = 9/10
  10. True i'm in multiple graphic design classes Next person watches Game of Thrones
  11. Also iv never really talked with these guys so there might be at least a little comedy in that
  12. The hood maybe I might as well post something as well seems like that's whats happening today...
  13. I think I just pictured him as a sorta smart looking guy just by the way he talks and all... Maybe its the glasses. I think "exactly" was a over statement
  14. Sorta true I was really close to completing 3 of the 4 batman games but the last few things where driving me insane so I had to look some stuff up Next person likes karaoke
  15. Congradz on posting 500 times before I posted 50... To be honest i'm impressed... I can't really say I know you but I do see you in a "few" threads here and there and in chat sometimes and you seem pretty cool would I dare say my spam role model Anyway question time What's your favorite game that's not a VN?
  16. Is it weird that that is what I pictured you like?? @Arcadeotic
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