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Everything posted by Riku

  1. Well, if you're going for two translators, I suppose it'll be one for the Main School, and one for the Branch School? One translator per writer, for consistency's sake.
  2. Hope you find one. Well, as long as you do Miyabi's route, it doesn't matter if you don't do the rest, though. .
  3. Time for the world to know Miyabi's route greatness! And Tonoko's and Shino's too, I guess. Who cares about the rest? (Takehaya fanboy speaking)
  4. Just finished Chaos;Child, and man, that was disappointing. Don't get me wrong, I honestly think it was good, just that I don't like how it developed, as well as the ending. Still think it was good, and I don't regret reading it, though I guess I do regret it took so many hours of my time. Other than that, it REALLY made me want to read Steins;Gate again (as if I didn't get enough of it with the anime 3 times and VN once), just to remember there is a work of this studio that I actually love through and through. That and I just want more Kurisu, never enough Kurisu. Now I need to read Renna's route in Tsujidou (hope I'll be able to...), then after playing so many games/VNs I need to go back to LNs for a while.
  5. To this day, DR2 5th trial is still my favorite one and one of the most magnificient case I have ever seen.
  6. My point still holds, it's far from Majikoi's quality, in my opinion at least.
  7. Don't hope for Majikoi, you'll be really disappointed. Like, really, really disappointed. The VN isn't bad, just that reading it with Majikoi expectations will only lead to pure disappointment.
  8. It's a meme: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/steven-crowders-change-my-mind-campus-sign
  9. In the course of these few months, I played a great part of the video games I had as my objectives. As I don't have the PS4 (yet), I couldn't play Sen no Kiseki III, but starting with Trails in the Sky the 3rd a few months ago, I finished Zero no Kiseki, Ao no Kiseki, Sen no Kiseki I and II. Amongst them were those two games in Japanese I had for objective when I started to learn Japanese, so I was more than happy to be able to play them. Was also really glad to finally play Sen after all these years of being stubborn and not playing them to do everything in order. And yesterday (more like this morning), I finished two of my other objectives: Dai Gyakuten Saiban 1 and 2. And I have to say, I was even more impressed by these two. I played the Evolution version of Zero and Ao no Kiseki, so they were voiced, which really helped. But that's not the case of DGS 1 and 2, so I thought it would be really difficult. But it wasn't. Sure, there were lots of kanji I didn't know, but the meaning of most were easily guessable from the context so it ended up being easier than I thought. So in the end I have now a strange feeling, having accomplished these objectives. It's really rewarding to be able to do what you strived for so long. Anyway, now it's time to play Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology, as I didn't get to play the DS version.
  10. Nah, it's really partially voiced for every character, that's why it was flamed on amazon, because not fully voiced.
  11. Yeah, the anime skip things. And even if it didn't, like I said, the best thing is being in the head of Scumzuma, so might as well read from the start. x)
  12. Just read the LN, it's far better to be in Scumzuma's head.
  13. Enjoying the hell out of Saiki season 2. The comedy is really right up my alley. Will most likely ends up as AoTS for me, like season 1.
  14. Just finished the VN, and I think this is my favorite line:
  15. Based on the 3 most listened VN openings on my phone: (so more like, favorite opening song, not counting how well it goes with the visuals) The full versions are better (mainly the third one, there is a long silence in the OP version, but in the full there are lyrics here)
  16. Didn't play VN in months, and the last Grisaia's finally out, so I guess it's time to read a little. Kinda a pain to reread Kajitsu with how long it is, but it's been more than 4 years since then, so I have to. Hope it won't take too long if I read quickly without caring about the voices.
  17. Just discovered the manga, it's tooooooo cuuuuuuute. Name's Senryuu Shoujo. There's also a video where Hanazawa Kana voice a few senryuu:
  18. Was in the mood after finishing Ao no Kiseki, and it was dirty cheap, so bought this:
  19. Actually, you better use the English ones. The "raws" you speak of are the same in worse quality and with Japanese instead of English. It shouldn't be that difficult to remove the english text and keep the transparency effect, but if you can't, just colour everything in the same colour and be done with it. Not like anyone is gonna care about the transparency when they'll look at it like, what, 10 seconds?, the time to read it.
  20. Actually can't do anything. Just remembered that I can't use my French Credit Card anymore, and my Japanese card is only a cash card, so Convinience Store Payment only. Removed the spoilerish comment. Hope the goals will be reached, even if I can't read them.
  21. Am I the only one bothered by the Syuji (Shuuji) thing? Same for Syuichiro (Shuuichirou)? Other than that, already played it, so not gonna fund it. Thought I must say the LNs (mainly Lavi after, considering her end) interest me.
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