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Everything posted by Dreamysyu

  1. Finished Planetarian. Thoughts at the beginning: "Well, it's nice, but I've seen all these ideas implemented better." Thoughts at the end: "Why, Key? Why? "
  2. Honestly, I didn't like this one at all, but there are plenty of people who did, so it's probably worth a try. Well, it's pretty depressing (and I made a great mistake reading it at a summer resort ), but it's free and brings some nice ideas, so why not read it if you have the time? Definitely worth reading. It's really a unique VN, and it's one of the rare VNs where I actually I felt like I was reading a book rather than a VN. Note though that it brings up some pretty controversial topics, and it's mostly a tragic work. Well, this one is also one of my favorite ones, but, yeah, it gets pretty disturbing sometimes. At the same time, it's the only VN I read which actually implements philosophical ideas in a right way. Nice mystery, also gets pretty disturbing sometimes. Basically, the most awesome VN ever. Well... I'm not the best person to comment on it... it's overrated shit The first Muv-luv gets pretty boring sometimes, and side routes in Extra are basically bad and not worth reading at all. Alternative, on the other hand, is another one of my most favorite VNs ever, and also the most emotional one.
  3. And here comes the person who actually liked the alternative routes more than the main one. Though Usami is still the best girl.
  4. I mean, I think there was a case when they put some game on Steam without even contacting the original developer. But yeah, with 99% probability this is not the case here. Well, there's definitely something wrong with the publisher if even that possibility isn't completely ruled out.
  5. I wonder if Flat even knows about this game being published on Steam, or it's just another SakuraGame fiasco.
  6. To be honest, I don't think comparing Rewrite to the other Key VNs is fair. It's true, it's probably the least emotional VN ever made by them, but at the same time it's the rare one that actually has a proper story and, with the exception of Tonokawa's routes, doesn't really rely on the usual "Key magic". I agree, it has its own massive share of plot holes, so I don't agree with people who claim that it's the best VN ever, but it's pretty entertaining, and that's enough for me. And it's especially dear to me, considering it's the first vn I've ever read.
  7. Morale of the story: don't back kickstarters made by shady companies.
  8. Tried reading the western otome game The Royal Trap. Well, the story synopsis seemed pretty great, and there were a few interesting tags, but the VN itself disappointed me. The ideas and the plot-twists seem good on paper, but the story suffers a lot from bad pacing, unrelatable and boring characters, and mediocre writing. In the end, I wouldn't call it a bad VN, but it isn't really a good one either. 5/10
  9. Definitely not a nakige. It doesn't really follow nakige formula at all, excluding maybe one route. I am not exactly sure what an exact definition of a chuunige is, but I guess it passes.
  10. Well, at least they answered you. That's already a progress.
  11. Actually, I doubt this is true, because I think some scenes right at the beginning of episode 1 make way more sense if we know who the true culprit is, even though they can't really be considered as hints. Even though these scenes could be explained in a different and simpler way, creating a completely new explanation to the events in the middle of the story would be way too tricky because of little things like that, I think. But I can't really truly agree or argue with you now, because I really need to reread Umineko myself. I will get to it at some point, even though I don't know when I actually do it. It's just to massive to me right now, and considering my reading speed recently, it will probably take me at least six months to finish it, which is not something I'm ready to do.
  12. Well, Akshay is right, it's definitely a good idea to read all FSN routes in the way as it was intended. Just a small piece of advice: if at some point in the game you really don't feel like continuing, take a break and read something else. FSN requires some patience to finish, and considering the thing you wrote before, you might be not so far from burning out about vns in general, considering how common certain tropes are. (I've been there about a year ago, and I haven't really fully recovered yet.) Well, FSN doesn't really require much skipping, so it should be okay.
  13. By the way, did the replay make you change your opinion about Umineko in general in some way? Now that you've read many other VNs, I think it's quite likely that your impression about some things would change.
  14. If so, you may try picking FSN. Imo, both of these VNs have good stories, but they take quite long to get to. If you are fine with spending 10-20 hours on pure comedy and slice-of-life to get to more story-focused parts after that, then picking Rewrite works. (Edit. You aren't, I should've read the first post more attentively.) I personally liked that comedy, but I've also seen some people saying they hated it, so it depends. FSN's SOL scenes, on the other hand, are kind of more evenly spread, but again, the first route you play, Fate, is basically SOL, interrupted from time to time by a battle scene or two. Fate route does have a good story, but it's a general opinion that FSN gets much better at UBW (or even at the second half of UBW). As for the common routes of Rewrite and Grisaia, I didn't really compare them in length, but I think they are more or less similar. On the other hand, in Rewrite it's already decided by the middle of the common route which girl you are going to end up with, and the later scenes are heavily altered depending on that, so you can say it's actually shorter. PS. Oh, I missed that you are going to skip Fate. Actually, I am not sure if I recommend to do it, since FSN is designed to be a linear experience and it's best when experienced as such, but since you already have some experience with the story, then I guess it works, probably. UBW anime, I think, adapts the story of UBW more or less faithfully, so you can try it, and if you're bored, switch to Heaven's Feel. Note however that it has much slower pacing and much less fight scenes, but it's my personal favorite of FSN routes.
  15. I agree with Narcosis. Both of these VNs have quite a lot of SOL scenes. Rewrite is basically SOL in the common route, with little hints that something "grand" might be happening behind the scenes. And the common route in really long, comparing in length with Grisaia's common route, I think. FSN has a lot of SOL scenes, to the point that they actually get pretty boring at some points. And they continue throughout the whole story, excluding maybe the second half of UBW and the final third of Heaven's feel. Honestly, if you're tired of slice of live, I can't recommend either of these.
  16. To avoid possible misunderstandings, I don't claim that they delete posts mentioning the lack of 18+ version. They only thing I say is that they can do it, so we should take that possibility into consideration.
  17. It makes sense, but: There are better ways to check if a person bought the game or not. If it's really that they were going for, then it's still possible to buy only one DLC, apply the patch and play the game for a halved price.
  18. I honestly have zero clues. By the way, I haven't tried to launch it myself by the way, so I can't confirm if it works without it or not.
  19. By the way, I forgot to mention it, but apparently the 18+ game requires you to finish the all-ages version at least ones before you can play it.
  20. I don't use facebook that much, but I'm pretty sure they can delete posts they don't like. Just saying.
  21. As it turned out in the end, the thing they released today is a patch that adds the h-scenes to the Steam version but deletes the additional scenes. And yes, you need to play both versions to get the full experience, though apparently the h-scenes aren't very important, depending on who you ask. Also, I don't think it's released for anyone but backers yet.
  22. Dreamysyu


    Edit. Never mind. It even leaves FSN.
  23. They don't say anything about it in the update, at all. So, time will tell.
  24. 18. (according to the warnings at the start of almost every VN)
  25. One of the reasons why I dropped Himawari.
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