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  1. @above wow, that's a really good story. Good luck on your light novel! I would definitely read it. Very thought out.
  2. Yeah, I did realize how lengthy my description was. I guess it's more of a manuscript rather than a synopsis, but I did want to pass a mildly detailed story to see if anyone would like to pick it up. I guess a shorter version would be: Two brothers who are potential heirs to a kingdom in an alien world battles one another for a reason the younger brother, Light could not forgive: the murder of their only parent. Light unleashes the sacred relic, Kradon to judge his elder brother, Dark with an intent to kill him. However something unexpected happened, the will of Kradon opened a gate between the human realm and their home world: Terrial. Dark wakes up in a foreign world oblivious to everything around him, and further yet, he loses his memories and his powers sealed with the exception of inhuman stamina and reflexes. After a few years of arrival to the human realm, the remnants of the attack from Kradon reaches the surface of Earth and granting a selective amount of humans with supernatural abilities and also awakening a small spec of Dark's powers. The choices you make will build up Dark's personality and ultimately the outcome of the human realm. It's still a bit long but at least it's shorter. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  3. Title: Yami no Hikari Some may call it extraterrestrial life, some call them Gods, and others may see them as demons. There exists a realm that differs from where humans reside, a realm where magic and superhuman abilities are no strangers to reality; a realm otherwise known as Terrial. Two brothers were born as heirs to the only kingdom Terrial has, and they were both named protectors of the realm due to their individual talents. They held unique abilities and their father decided to give their names respectively to their elements: Light and Dark. Light being the younger brother, while Dark the elder. One night Light saw an unforgivable event; Dark standing with a blade bestowed by their father in hand and their father covered in blood lying dead on the floor. Succumbed to rage Light forced Dark out of the sacred settlement and both brothers had an intensive battle that caused even other realms to tremble from their might. While they were both unmistakably strong, Light could not best Dark due to his lack of experience and so he was forced to summon the sacred relic of Kradon; exerting a powerful beam of light that blinds everything in its path. As if Dark has accepted his fate, he opens his arms welcoming his demise to the attack and so he disappears from the world of Terrial leaving his blade behind. However, Dark did not completely disappear, but instead the relic opened a gate between realms of Terrial and the human world. Dark wakes up in a foreign world known as Earth in a country named Japan with no memories of his past, and his powers sealed within him leaving him just like any other human with the exception of inhuman stamina and reflexes. Confused as he were, he wandered around the country with no place to go, seeking food and shelter to survive. This unsightly situation were to be repeated day after day, until a mysterious man who saw potential in the 16 year old Dark then adopts and teaches him the rules of this world. Dark attended school, met new friends and lived a normal human life. What no one knew was his arrival to this foreign land was earlier than the remnants of the sacred relic's rage. 2 years after Dark's arrival, golden sphere-like projectiles which can easily be mistaken as shooting stars shot all around the globe hitting various areas of Earth. This awakened a new era in Dark's new home land. A selective amount of humans who were normal up until now, have obtained respectively unique abilities that were thought to be only fantasy. A small spec of Dark's powers started to rise again due to this phenomena, and an outbreak of a new war arises on the face of Earth. While Dark is still oblivious to his identity, he groups up with his friends Leo, Elisa, and Manami who all had also received the enhancement from the sacred relic to band against this chaos which fell upon their world. There's a lot more to the backstory, let me know if you like to know more. Thanks for reading!
  4. hm, you're right about that. I did want to buy it, however I've heard a lot about compatibility issues with the new windows operating system, if that's not the case here and all I need is the legitimate DVD then I'll go right ahead and buy one for myself! Thanks.
  5. Are you running your computer with Japan system locale? (link to instructions): YesGame Name: Shinigami no Testament ~menuet of epistula~Description of Problem: Black screen after launch and then immediately closesYour Operating System: Windows 1064 or 32 bit (link to how to find): 64 bitWhat did you already try? (Uninstall/Reinstall, Redownload, Run as admin, etc): Uninstall/Reinstall, Reboot, run as admin, setting compatibility to W7, W8, WXP.
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