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Everything posted by Mkilbride

  1. I dunno about you, but he's actually among the better, I think. Not anywhere near the best, but he rises above your average VN MC.
  2. One of these days, I may even try one. Though I loathe to give Sekai Project even a dime.
  3. What about Rance and his Hyper Lance?
  4. And these are the people who want to create the "Uncensored" Steam for VNs?
  5. I have no idea who that guy is. But greatest male protag ever? That's a toughy. I wanna say Shiki, because Shiki is just a badass in all regards. But I dunno, so many VNs, so many cool MC's. I absolutely hate whiny bitch protaganists who are like "Zomg, beautiful women want to have sex for me! This is HORRIBLE!"
  6. YEah. I mean the original BiA games are among my favorite. I looked at this trailer...and what the hell? WHY? The whole appeal of the series, was historical events, realistic gameplay, and realistic characters. The above has NONE of that.
  7. Maybe. Maybe not. It's Gearbox. Besides Borderlands, since 2008 / 2009, every game they produce fails. Poor sales. Poor reviews. Seems they're destined to be remembered for Borderlands and nothing else. They already started pre-production. By the way, do you really want them to make new Band of Brothers? Did you know Battleborn started as a sequel to it? This is the game they wanted to make : Totally against the tone of the originals. So they decided to cancel it, use what they had, and make Battleborn. This is what Gearbox is now. They have -zero- interest in doing a serious game, ever again.
  8. GMG had a sale on some recently, but not Steam versions...so meh. As for Battleborn, they spent over 50M on it and didn't even recover half, so they now need to do Borderlands 3, and people will forgive them - again. Sad how that is.
  9. Nope, it was True Love. But there is a gay route. Or at least everyone I remember talking about on the old forums about this game, way back when. Maybe people were screwing with me? I just remember it being even in the Walkthrough. Hmm. But yeah, that was ah ell of a VN. Legendary for sure. Thanks, kept searching vndb for it, but somehow not finding it.
  10. I clearly remember there being a gay route for the MC to go on, though I never did it, just remember that being unique. You also had stats I believe, which depending on them would lock you into a route with a girl. One gets kidnapped at one point, I recall. I think the title may have contained Heart / Love or something. It was a pretty old VN. The old style of rendering, kind of like YU-NO.
  11. He said it popped his VN Cherry, so it'll be special. I think Do You Like Horny Bunny's 2 popped my VN Cherry. Do I think it's a good VN? Hell no, but it'll always be one of those unforgettable types. My first 'true' VN, I would put at Tsukihime, i.e, one that had actual characters and plot and wasn't about sex sex sex. I had read Divi-Dead before that, or wait no, I can't remember the name at the moment...it was a VN where you could even end up dating your best friend (Gay route), I can't remember the name right now, but it was super popular...Love or Heart something. Can't recall. It was pretty old and you were attending school - Hmm, now this is going to bother me.
  12. Of course. They're both shooters. They both contain a large cast of characters with unique abilities, and both are competitive. The problem with Battleborn is, they did not advertise it well...at all. NOBODY knew what type of game it was / was going to be. The beta let you play some SP Co-op, but nobody had any idea how the MP was going to be...and well, it fell flat, and Co-op is only 5-6 hours long, so...60$ for BB, or 40$ for Overwatch. Gearbox made alot of mistakes.
  13. For me, sometimes I have trouble leaving a "World" I've entered. THis happened with F/SN, Tsukihime, Saya no Uta, Muv Luv, ect...I feel so enthralled and "into" that VNs world, that I don't want to read another one for a long time because I feel it just won't live up to the next one. I haven't read the one you're mentioning, because it's just not my type of VN. But aye, like with Utawaremono, these 60 to 80 hour VNs, you spend such a significant time reading about their world...yeah, it can be hard to accept it's done.
  14. Thing is, they're really different games. I don't think Overwatch had much to do with it. It's Gearbox. After Duke Nukem Forever, Aliens Colonial Marines, and the Pre-sequel, people were very mad at Gearbox, and Gearbox literally said that people being mad at them "made them happy" - This created a Karma storm against them - and it hit when Battleborn dropped. It saw a 50% discount 3 weeks after release. a 75% one 6 weeks after release. Seriously, it was on sale for 10$ a month into release at select stores too. 60$ to 10$ in a month. I've never seen such a drop.
  15. Thing is, at least Takeru was funny. He seemingly had a personality. Nozumu did not. It was just like "Do this" and "Ok, I'll do it." He felt a blank slate - like a Western RPG. Felt off, after the first game's MC actually had a personality, but it was explained to me here at least that the people who made the first game left during production of the second, so it makes sense why this one is basically a generic harem VN. As for 20 hours, it doesn't say length, but I was t the robot people world, where I just became so bogged down by this craptastic combat system, where I played for like 45 minutes - then the game fucking crashed and I had to go do -all- that over again, I said "Fuck it", Also Dark Souls 3 released right around the same time, so that absorbed me. Then Overwatch came out.
  16. Well, they're just following in the Witchers footsteps. The original Witcher was censored in the West upon release. Later on, they released a "Director's Cut" patch for the game, which re-added full on nudity.
  17. https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/ I recommend checking this subreddit, daily, not multiple times a day. Some of the deals you find are incredible, and unlike a million threads on forums like this, it's updated constantly. Because of it, I managed to get Battlefield 4 + all DLC for only 5$. Good deal.
  18. Brothers in Arms series is amazing. So was Opposing Force. I'm so sad what Gearbox has become. At least people are starting to notice. Their last game, Battleborn, flopped so hard, they are tens of millions in the red. Hopefully it forces them to re-think their future games. I'm currently playing The Witcher 2, as I never finished it years ago, and wanna get into The Witcher 3 - now that I got my new GPU, a 1080 GTX, a huge upgrade from my 670 - I finally feel I can dive into alot of games I've been holding out on.
  19. Dark Souls has a great story, but it's told entirely by item description / visual information, not dialogue by other characters. I really enjoy that. I've played all the Souls games and love them, except 2, which I never beat, didn't care for, then later I found out why it felt so, so different than previous Souls games - it was made by a "B Team", which was a different team then Demon's Souls / Dark Souls / Bloodborne / Dark Souls 3. Dark Souls 3 is A-Team again and brought back that amazing world I loved again. I cannot wait for the Dark Souls 3 DLC. Dark Souls 2 had bad hitboxes and artificial difficulty - the B-Team admits to this later on, saying they didn't really understand how to do it properly. I've done two playthroughs of three at current. i never finish my second one for the original Dark Souls as I didn't wanna lose access to all the areas. This is what I currently looked like at the end of the game. Was using that shield because it has "Magic Parry", which means I can deflect spells back at people, I thought that was neat. Using Claymore because Claymores are awesome, though normally I use the Zweihander. SEcondary weapon is Sunlight Straight Sword, crazy good weapon, can self-buff for reduced damage taken and more damage done with it.
  20. https://twitter.com/muvluvseries/status/760330538150301697 It's free, of course. As they all should be.
  21. Sharnoth is translated though. I'm reading it right now. It is abit harder to get into the Inganock for me. Maybe because the MC Is female, alot of her thoughts and views aren't resonating with me as much. Still, the music and visuals are great. As well as the SFX. I'm reading it as a snails pace though...but still reading it. haven't read Gahkthun, but it is on my list of to-reads.
  22. Yeah. That's funny for sure. Show's he's a wildcard. But when there's like 20-30 girls in the game and Rance's goal is to -rape- them all, and I mean rape, at no point is he going to try to romance or convince them, he straight up desires to take them by force...I'm just saying it's a certain type of humor that "Light hearted comedy" might not cover.
  23. Yeah, imagine you work super hard at your job. You do a damn good job. Then your Boss comes around and screws it all up and now all that hard work, effort, time you put in, was wasted. You'd probably wanna leave too.
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