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Everything posted by Velociraptor

  1. Merry Christian-bastardized pagan winter solstice holiday, you silly weebs.
  2. There's nothing wrong with being selfish. It's healthy, even. And really, you are an alright person. Not a great person, but alright.
  3. Who are you calling silly? I am the most serious dinosaur there ever was!
  4. It's still three more hours on my end before I'm a year less young.
  5. I will gladly offer you my divine criticism, Snelly.
  6. I'm glad you see the light, Frogstat.
  7. Gee, I sure hope Scotland and Northern Ireland feel the same way as Britain, or the United Kingdom might not be so united anymore.
  8. False. Next person likes dinosaurs. If they don't like dinosaurs, well... *knive-sharpening sounds*
  9. False. I read them before I registered. I just came here to shitpost. Next person has an ugly mug.
  10. I give it 5 adorbs out of 5. Would watch those legs for days.
  11. False. I prefer venison. The next person is wearing clothes but not underwear.
  12. Hey, dinosaurs might not be my waifu but they are definitely my laifu! The next person has been done a frighten by the spookmaster.
  13. What. ... ... ... The next person likes grilled bananas.
  14. False. The next person likes grapes.
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