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Everything posted by Jade

  1. Oh yeah, if anybody need an UR Smile friend feel free to add me though i only have 2 slot left. My id: 371079575
  2. Just finished playing Growlanser Wayfarer of Time. A good game but there's a lack of 'amazing' moment that is worth mentioning. Will start playing FF Tactics War of the Lions, here's hoping it will be good.
  3. Top 3 member eh? For me it's no doubt will be: 1. Kotori 2. Eli 3. Nozomi Hmmm, maybe i should try gunning for T2 for this event.
  4. Well, Madou Koukaku it's definitely about war and there's seems to be a translation of it though i'm not so sure. For action ChuSInGura 46+1 is definitely an amazing one though it may seems slow-paced with the romance and the drama in it but that what make it so good honestly. Currently Untranslated
  5. Jade


    That's nice to hear xD And thanks everyone!
  6. Recently finished Nanairo Reincarnation. Though i only play the Main Heroine's route, i can safely say that the Romance between the MC and her is just that good. A pretty good ]achievement considering the setting of the story.
  7. Whoa, reading this thread is more than enough to make me feel bad about how inadequate my skill is. @_@
  8. Man being the overly emotional guy i am, there are too many VN that make me depressed, but the biggest one is probably Tomoyo After. Anybody who said Clannad is depressing never know the tragedy that is Tomoyo After.
  9. Jade


    , anyways, enjoy your stay
  10. First of all, thanks to the one who validate my account! Well, seeing that introducing yourself is a the norm and the polite way of doing thing, here i am trying to introduce myself Errrr.....hello. Now a little info about myself: Been reading VN for about 3-4 years now though recently i more often than not finding myself dropping a VN than actually finishing it, the last VN that i actually enjoy and manage to finish is Nanairo Reincarnation. Hoping to find more interesting and good VN to read in here so if you guys have a recommendation let me know! For me the most important thing about the VN is probably the MC. If the MC are boring, bland, and only good trait about him is 'A nice guy' (Your average Protagonist of anime-harem these days) i probably wouldn't ever bother to pick it. IMO, the best VN i ever play is probably Eiyuu*Senki Gold, and ChuSinGura 46+, though the latter is the more emotional and tearjerker while the former is mostly funny and happy moment, Beside VN, i also play some JRPG like Growlanser,Persona.SMT, etc and i also play SIF. I suck at playing SIF though, my hand to eye coordination is just terrible beyond belief. That's about it i guess, hope we get along! Oh, and my profile picture come from that one awesome and funny VN that most of you probably don't know about
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