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Everything posted by AaronIsCrunchy

  1. Unusual. Would be better without its haircut, but aside from that actually really nice and different. 8/10.
  2. Welcome to the forums If you haven't already, Grisaia no Kajitsu is a great read, as is eden* and Lucid9 (bonus as it's free on Steam). Hope to see you around!
  3. Welcome to the forums! \ / I have nowt else intelligent to say, but I hope to see you about! Watch Acchi Kocchi
  4. To reiterate what people are saying, as with any language it helps to immerse yourself as much as possible - so read VNs, newspapers, LNs etc. to aid in your learning. I like jisho - it's basically a massive kanji dictionary which you can search for unfamiliar kanji by their radicals (or components). The links above are smashing too. If you're serious about it, Tae Kim's Grammar Guide is excellent for learning grammar - essential for the annoying fiddly shit like particles. Has a good few exercises to help learn, and if you use that alongside your studies it will help massively. Good luck
  5. I legit thought that you meant the wrongdoing was Hatoful Boyfriend being under Sakura Spirit for a moment there You better fucking go through with this :3 Kinda related to question 4, it'll be interesting to see how/if OELVNs shape the direction of future VNs made globally. I suspect @Meat_Bun1's assertion that people are becoming bored of the same tropes is likely true... and perhaps some new ideas from different places can shake things up a little. Who knows.
  6. Season 2 of Acchi Kocchi when I guess only being a yonkoma there's only so much they can do with it. Still...
  7. I tried it once and did this. Got no skillz I'd recommend eden* if you haven't read it already, really great story. Also (if you don't mind them being short) True Remembrance and Juniper's Knot are excellent and freeeeeee \ /
  8. For number 3: most Kickstarters don't throw in a copy of the game until at least $10 have been donated (or £10, or whatever). It's likely that they've run some costing models through to see what kind of figure is the minimum they can sell it for and rounded it up or something. If they get their sums horribly wrong then, yes, they can make a loss, but as long as they don't burn through every penny of the fundraising money then most should have something resembling profit. Also, +$200 an hour?! Bloody hell. I suppose the acting work isn't a sure thing though, so it needs to be higher than usual.
  9. Cute. Green eyes are always a positive. 8/10.
  10. Oh wow. People like you are what make the internet so great. Checking some of the mellow ones now and they're beautiful. In the event I ever learn to draw, write, and make a VN, endless thanks
  11. With this kind of obvious power, I'm now scared of everything you say from this point onwards.
  12. Where will we vent our salty diatribes, 3 a.m. natterings and lewds now?! PANIIIIIIIC
  13. 10k words in Finnish is like 15-20k everywhere else. I pity you I suppose now is the time to defend history too! *Hides the 5 books on empire and Russia he's reading over summer*
  14. Hadn't thought about it till now, but true Next person is regretting leaving doing something until now
  15. True and false, if I'm honest. I love how atlases look and the cartographic art, but for sheer practicality and Street View I also love Google Maps. Next person has been to Germany.
  16. It's a link, so the underline has to be there. It's them rules :3 False, it's 1:35 PM so I really should be awake by now Next person has a dog.
  17. False, like dude, like what, like Next person enjoys black metal.
  18. I've watched his playthrough of it as well. Ngl, I find him pretty funny. I had played it beforehand though, so I already had my own preconceptions and just let him do his thing; as Nosebleed just said, I think if I was watching him (or any other, for that matter) go through one first time around I'd probably get real pissed. Never watched owt else though. It's nice to develop my own ideas of what characters meant by things, what they sound like etc.
  19. I have a folder enticingly titled 'VNs' which sits in My Documents. So it's not organised at all, really
  20. In two words you've just created the biggest car crash in the history of artistic expression conceivable. I'm impressed.
  21. As one of my favourite members on here, happy (very ) belated birthday to @Fred the Barber Hope you had a cracking day!
  22. This brings the air vocals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OhOm-1m3D8
  23. There is some weird voodoo shit going on in the universe right now, pretty sure of it. Actually though, it's interesting to see someone with an interest in music theory. Do you take examinations/gradings in it, or is it purely for interest?
  24. Also, remember to always shitpost outside of the Coliseum of Chatter, otherwise your dank salts get ignored on your wordcount, which is important.
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