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Posts posted by traveler101

  1. HOLY CRAP!!


    Tomaru Sawagoe at one point had a daughter, had sex with that daughter, who had his grandaughter, he then had sex with his grandaughter, had a great grandaughter, then had sex with the great grandaughter, and had a great, great grandaughter, THEN had sex with great great grandaughter, and had a great great great granadaughter, THAN HAD SEX WITH HER!!!



  2. I saw the title in a "sharing site" and didint even realized it was part of The Sakura series(which was incredible dumb),Just wanted to try a nukige for the first time, if i hadn't seen this thread i dont wanna imagine what would have happend :vinty: ...

    i was thinking of trying it anyways but if people are saying it's really bad then i guess ill pass.

  3. I should'va figured you would know the flow chart by now.Sorry.


    Well I'am going to see if i have my save , and if i have that part already  i'll tell you about it


    .Until then i dont't know what else to say but to say but try finding the cause that makes you go down.Go back as much as you think is necessary.

    Althou you're probably already doing it.


  4. School Day follows a simple mechanic when it comes to the flowchat,depending on the Affection bar  it will go up or down. e.g if you have the bar more torwards kotonoha  it will move up when it faces a turning point.Although there may be especific decisions that trigger certain flags needed to move to certain path,so you may be missing a certain condition(flag).

    This is based on my own experience with the game and a few flowcharts, so do take this with a bit a salt and skepticism.

    Hope it Helps


  5. Really? nobody mentioned School Days ? I know it's not very liked around these parts but  c'mon.


    The School Days heroines are top notch yanderes at the bad ends.(And that ending on the anime sent shivers down my spine).Kotonoha would be waifu material to me. (if believed in such)


    Mia From Duel Savior is pretty good too.


    I could go all day talking about yanderes but unfortunately i haven't played alot of vns with yanderes.(to my dismay) but i will check these vns you guy are posting,

    very interesting stuff.

  6. So from a common plebeian like me what i got was that,i cant post loli pics with explicit content(which we previously couldn't it seems), or talk  sexually about lolis(like we also kinda couldn't do)


    This got pretty serious  from a policy that was already kind of implemented


    Thou i don't like restriction of speech . i am not idealistic enough to go on a rampage if there are being legal problems over this.Not that a lot has changed


    Ill accept it like the nice little citizen i am, and hope this will prevent legal problems that could compromise the site ^_^

  7. Finished mizuki's route in yume miru ksuri.Took longer than it should've. Although i took a brake from vn's.

    I liked it but it was kind of cg galore.Doing the last one, Nekkoko , I Have great expectations.


    Also started Starless , i like  the art...but was clearly not prepared for the game.And i am only at the beginning

    at the test to be hired

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