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Everything posted by Kazuma-kun

  1. Hello all, i suppose i should have posted here first before going off to random threads. I guess ill go look at the rules as well now. Not so much new to fuwa as i am just the forums. Hopefully i don't spill too much spaghetti, lol.
  2. Currently playing "Flyable heart if that time" blind because i couldn't find any walkthroughs, which is fine but id at least like to see how many routes there are or if i have to look out for specific things such as beating the norm route first or whatnot...but i suppose it fun to do this way also.
  3. I'd have to say Kanon(first vn), or just about any key vnovel affected me alot. Dem feels tho. But because of kanon i discovered i was a lolicon haha. I spent a week or so in denial of that until a friend of mine pointed out some things, ultimately i became ok with it so long as it dosent transfer over to real life, lol. It's kind of a strange thing that in my 20's i'm still discovering stuff about myself.
  4. I'd have to say Kanon(first vn), or just about any key vnovel affected me alot. Dem feels tho. But because of kanon i discovered i was a lolicon haha. I spent a week or so in denial of that until a friend of mine pointed out some things, ultimately i became ok with it so long as it dosent transfer over to real life, lol. It's kind of a strange thing that in my 20's i'm still discovering stuff about myself.
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