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Everything posted by garejei

  1. Probably Baldr Sky, but after finishing Dies Irae I can see myself wanting to take a break from superlong VNs. I have both the new Ace Attorney and Virtue's Last Reward for 3DS still unplayed so I might take a crack at those.
  2. Berserk. Like, how come you've never watched this (based on your list). It's a major anime classic for a reason. You can also watch Aria, Twelve Kingdoms and Escaflowne once you get over your dislike of female protagonists because they're all fantastic shows.
  3. Ironically, the very best Tales games are ones that were never translated. I would strongly recommend Tales of Destiny Director's Cut and Tales of Rebirth, in that order, both on PS2. If you've played other Tales games you'll get by, and even then I'm sure there are guides out there. Of course you'll miss out on all the funny skits, but still. They're playable for their battle systems/atmosphere alone.
  4. Huh, I don't recall ever playing a VN with audio censoring. They definitely say penis, etc. just fine.
  5. I read most of Aku no Hana. I have no idea where this story is going anymore. But hey at least the guy chose the best girl, so no complaints.
  6. I've been gaming for almost two decades now and this tends to happen to me as well, *especially* with VNs. It sometimes takes me days to work up the motivation to start something new. If I'm ultra hyped for something I guess I might be able to jump right into it. Like, I'm nearing the end of game X buy I'm already thinking "man, I can't wait to finish this so I can start on game Y", but even this fails sometimes and I end up waiting a few days regardless.
  7. There are quite a few VNs with animations in them. Most recently there were the Bishoujo Mangekyou titles, as well as newer Lilith games and so on.
  8. 一番好きなエロゲーは下記。 その1。装甲悪鬼村正。シナリオは割りと単純けどその中に出てくる概念、感情、展開… 例外なく感動的。正義は何なのか、英雄は何なのか。ま、ネタバレは禁止なんだけど、これだけを言う。村正の各ル-トを攻略した後、「正義の味方」というヒーローたちに対する見る目はかなり変わったんだ。 その2。ディエス イレ。このエロゲーを形容するなら、「めっちゃかっこいい!!!」という表現しか相応しくないと強く思ってる。シナリオに出てくる単語がちょっと難しくて読み難いけど、ま、俺は構わない。多分もう作者の正田崇さんのスタイルに慣れたんだからな。特にメルクリウスというキャラの話し方はしばしば詩の領域に近くて、鳥肌が立つほど美しい。全ルート完了はまだまだだけど、今まで読んだルートで熱い展開とバトルがいっぱいあったからすっごく楽しかった。
  9. But isn't that a NA server? I'm in Europe. =P Btw I rerolled on Phoenix because I had a friend there.
  10. I caved and picked up a copy of FFXIV, came with a free month anyway. I'll decide whether or not to sub after that. I'm on Odin if anyone cares.
  11. Protag: Minato Kageaki (Muramasa), he gets coolness points +99 in the fandisk but I prefer him in the main game Antagonist: Reinhard Heydrich (Dies irae), the very definition of OP, the way the game slowly builds his reputation up as this insanely powerful demigod badass that can destroy the universe with a fart is just really cool, at least based on the routes I've read so far.
  12. I've always assumed it was ふわ.
  13. I enjoyed the first two, not as detailed as the series due to lack of time but they're okay. There are minor characterization changes as well, Asuka for example is somewhat less hostile and warms up to Shinji more openly. Same goes for Rei, who shows more emotion. I hated the third movie. It kinda... fucked up everything.
  14. You might want to keep an eye on an OELVN called Exogenesis, it just might be what you're looking for. They posted a demo on the vn subreddit, so you can download and try it for yourself.
  15. It's a great VN imo, one of my favorites. It deserves to be translated. There's so much more to it than what the trailers alone tell you. I heard similar things, yeah.
  16. Learn words and how they're pronounced but don't necessarily waste your time with the individual onyomi and kunyomi for everything. It'll come naturally later as you learn more and more words. Just because RTK is popular doesn't mean it works for everyone. Every learner is different.
  17. Personally I love Nitro+ but that's mainly because they did two of my favorite VNs, namely Muramasa and Totono. Saya was pretty good as well. If only more of their stuff was translated people would probably appreciate Nitro more, I guess.
  18. I can only help with the 3DS, but it has Fire Emblem: Awakening (strategy), Project X Zone (strategy) and Ace Attorney Dual Destinies (VN). Forbidden Magna is also coming provided they localize it (they probably will). Virtue's Last Reward is on both systems. The original DS has a massive library as well, so that's something to take into consideration. In the strategy/visual novel department (off the top of my head) it has stuff like Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume, Advance Wars DS/Days of Ruin, Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift, 999, Hotel Dusk + Last Window, and all the other Ace Attorney games. And if you're willing to try games that aren't just strategy + VN, the DS library is pretty fantastic. However, the 3DS is region locked. If you're in Europe like myself, prepare to be fucked in the ass with late release dates or games that might never even come out in Europe (still bitter about Rune Factory 4, lol). If you're in the US, then no problem. If you don't know Japanese then the region lock will not bother you.
  19. My problem with Lords of Shadow isn't that it's not a classic Castlevania game. The bigger problem is that it's not a very good game on its own, either, imo. Anyway, I'm playing the new Thief and Shadowrun Dragonfall.
  20. What aspects of VtMB are in that? Bloodlines is also one of my all-time favorite PC games so I'm mostly asking out of curiosity, and because the screenshots of that VN don't immediately scream VtM to me.
  21. I think raw manga could be a better choice from a learning standpoint. They generally use easier language than VNs (there are always exceptions) and there's furigana over *everything*. But if you want VNs, what's been suggested above is a good start.
  22. Link: http://vndb.org/v12603 brb, adding to backlog But yes, something like that, or like this.
  23. Sniper rifle. I have a thing for women wielding large guns and in general I like sniper rifles a lot. They're also precise and powerful. If we're talking fantasy (or a setting where sniper rifles don't exist), then a large bow of sorts. Most recently, my favorite heroine in Gahkthun looked badass as all hell:
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