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Everything posted by Zakamutt

  1. there appears to be a grainy white ceiling upwards my noggin
  2. The second one in the thread is a fixed version. If logging into twitter is needed to see the replies be advised that I also added a dummy track as the first to the config for inmm, as otherwise the wrong track would play
  3. The copy I acquired worked even on win10, except for the music, which I needed to patch with _inmm.dll http://homerareru.blogspot.com/2016/05/cd.html. There's a guide on the site which you should be able to read if you're ready to translate the vn. I remember in my particular copy though not in others, the CD audio offsets were fucked somehow (fixed file included in link): (one of?) the lewd meow site versions however did not have this issue. Then there's software to split the cd audio file using the cue sheet I guess. I think medival cue splitter still works fine? it's been a while. Godspeed.
  4. にゃぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁー
  5. the artist deleted a later tweet with the same picture for some unfathomable reason (I man maybe the dupe wasnt intended kekw) but I have fixed the issue. Otherwise, there's always pixiv.
  6. おかゆんやわらかそうなぁ
  7. it's not really increased in volume that much, you're probably just catching a few days where people were less awake and ready to delete it in minutes that said a wordfilter on certainy gummy-related terms might be surprisingly effective at this rate... it's possible the bots are getting a bit better at dodging whatever protections exist with time though, I think the influx is up slightly overall. certainly today had a lot of them
  8. It's possible I will be awake for this due to my constant state of sleep schedule disarray — if not, I hope our friends in more amenable timezones enjoy!
  9. As it turns out, I actually know quite a lot of horror/despair/oppressive titles... I rec everything on this list, including ones that may look less appealing on a surface level Soundless https://milkplus.itch.io/soundless Lynne https://ebihime.itch.io/lynne Girlfriend Simulator (meme title but nice vn) https://ebihime.itch.io/girlfriend-simulator Arguably Subarashiki Hibi, though it has some much slower parts to it... then again so does s;g. Various patching probably required if you go legit for this one; even if you don't some patches give you more content from newer releases, check the vndb page releases section really. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (especially episode 1, various fantweaks available - cba to even link this one due to it being split on vndb and stuff) Saya no Uta Historia (if possible don't read the description for part 2, though you should download that one as it has both ch1 and ch2) Digital Seclusion
  10. In my experience mtl acutally does worse with less formal text / dialogue. Meaningwise it can tackle quite complex descriptive lines and only sometimes mess it up (besides being a bad read, but MTL readers caring about quality?), but human japanese dialogue is a minefield of ambiguity and colloquial speech is probably an issue at times as well. The equation probably changes somewhat if the mtl is edited by someone competent in fanfiction writing.
  11. List for those who would rather not click to youtube: Ace Attorney DanganRonpa Zero Escape Huniepop 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim VA-11 Hall-A Persona 4 spinoffs Blazblue series Evenicle Utawarerumono -- I'd say you're wrong about 999 (no I didn't watch the video so who knwos what your argument it), agree on ace attorney, huniepop, and evenicle, didn't play the rest
  12. It's partly my fault this time, but hata said today was the deadline and I handed in at 20:49 so really it's his fault COPIUM. Contains my extended opinion on the F/SN re-tl (not particularly positive, regrettably). --- 「Greetings, fuwans! I hope you're enjoying the influx of new posts we are at last achieving. Not so much of an influx of translation progress this week, regrettably, but we do have one notable release: Aokana Extra2. While this is nominally labeled a "fandisc" focused on Misaki, my understanding is it's fairly long and worth reading for fans of the original. Though Misaki's rabid fanbase may just take any excuse to spend more time with her. One day I will play Aokana and see if she's all she's hyped up to be. Maybe. Other than that, the Gin'iro project continues to provide good progress and successive partial releases, with Mizuha coming up on the 26th. As with any good capitalist, Bee is neglecting his company to do what brings him self-actualization: translating moege for clout. Let none of this be construed as a detriment to the VN fanbase: he'd be working on some cringe light novels or whatever otherwise. Personally I am currently fulfilling the role of a good _student_ by neglecting my assignments. Very good at that one. Neglected this one until today too, so now Hata gets to meme on me instead. Thank god I put all those caveats in about my own performance when memeing on him earlier. Now to something more interesting than moege: Fate/Stay Night. When I saw [the post about the retranslation][https://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/25889-fatestay-night-a-new-translation], I mentally went "wait, is this the translation me and my JOP elitist friends were memeing on like a year ago?" — yes, yes it was. Oh dear. Here's one of the pictures we posted in our session of totally-not-toxic disadulation: [Image: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/569475300413669376/888691063341060116/E_gQJ1yXoAge1Xg.png?width=776&height=582 (please to god reupload it rather than use Discord as a CDN)] The problem I've got with the retranslation is clearly visible here: keeping way too much of the original Japanese sentence structure for comfort. Now, there are _some_ places where this may be justified as making it easy to use the direction of the original. Though the translator admitting this is basically [due to it being more work to change it][https://medium.com/@batesfredt/editorial-decision-making-or-translation-is-tricky-and-also-interpretative-97d269c2cf39] sure is an... admission. Then again, F/SN is 3.82 MB, sacrifices will have to be made to ship this decade. But there's way too much of it, and it really can't all be motivated by reasonable choices. Lest this be seen as a perhaps outdated, cherry-picked example, in the very text [the translator chose][https://medium.com/@batesfredt/re-translating-fate-stay-night-98b9cadff967] to exemplify the changes between the (often bad) TakaJun translation and his new translation, there are definite and difficult-to-motivate inelegancies. Consider these two: 俺には見慣れた店、見飽きた景色を、イリヤは目を輝かせて駆けていく。 1: Ilya runs through the familiar scenery with lit up eyes. 2: The stores that were familiar to me, the view that I’d grown tired of, Illya ran through them with sparkling eyes. We can see that translation 1 has cut out the explicit contrast between how the MC feels about the scenery and how Ilya is treating it. That said we know it's the shopping district from an earlier sentence, so it didn't really lose much from using "scenery". it also uses "lit up eyes", which I have to admit is a bit weird to me. Meanwhile, translation 2 finds a very wordy and unnatural way to near exactly copy the original structure. I have to say, this kind of translation takes little literary effort, bar the pain of your soul escaping your body writing such terrible prose (maybe that last part is just me). There is no bold dedication to preserving the poetry of the original: all I can see is a slavish avoidance of actually writing in the English language. Honestly, translation 1 is better. Which is that one? Mirror Moon's, of course. And unfortunately given what I see in the examples provided, I can't see this translation being anything but a sidegrade. Perhaps the best comparison is Hoshimemo by Insem versus Hoshimemo by Sekai, though TakaJun actually knew Japanese quite well as a native. In the end, they're both bad. The new translation may sometimes achieve higher accuracy, but it loses itself in unmotivated verbiage with depressing frequency. Now, how would I do this? Let's try to keep the contrast found in the original while using more natural phrasing: 俺には見慣れた店、見飽きた景色を、イリヤは目を輝かせて駆けていく。 The district is nothing new to me, but Illya dashes through the familiar scenery with sparkling eyes. I'm not entirely thrilled with how long it went, but I guess it's within 3 characters of the new translation KEKW. Meanwhile, we're using a more natural sentence structure, conveying the meaning in different words, and using a fun verb (dash) versus a normie one (run). I actually had a different idea first, but I had to scrap it for context reasons: Illya dashes through the familiar scenery with sparkling eyes, finding delight in a place I've seen a million times. ...Because the overall passage is about Illya actually faking it, and MC-kun noticing. Life is hard sometimes. I could maybe even have used this one with other changes in the text, but I'd rather not put something so sus as my example translation. Ah well. Anyway, idk shrug just learn Japanese 4head. Either that or hope the translator hires some talented editor boy to sort out this mess. Oh, and H2O has reached 69.3% progress. Nice.」 --- Since it's not really a serious translation comparison without the Japanese, have these segments that I wrested out of a script collection I found. All commands are removed, so for some of them I'm not quite sure if they were actually contiguous ingame: Ilya scene  イリヤの願いは、本当に些細なコトだった。 “買い物に連れて行って”    特別な願いなんかじゃない。  望めば幾らでも叶う、ただの日常をこそイリヤは望んだ。  ……それにどれほどの意味が込められていたのか、俺には分からない。  ただイリヤがそう望んだ通り、敵も味方もなく、マスターとしてでもなく、兄妹のように商店街を歩いた。  俺には見慣れた店、見飽きた景色を、イリヤは目を輝かせて駆けていく。  イリヤのはしゃぎようは、見ているこっちまで楽しくなるほどだ。  屈託のない笑顔のまま商店街を歩くイリヤ。  あんまりにも楽しそうなその姿は、いつまでもこの時間が続けばいいのにと思わせる。    ―――なのに、気付いてしまった。  一瞬たりとも笑顔を崩さず、踊るように駆けていく後ろ姿。  そこに幸福などない。  少女は悲しいから―――ユメから覚めたくないから、ただ必死に笑顔でいるだけなのだと。 Remembering Saber - Translation post header image + probable context afterward 僅かに振り向く横顔。  どこまでも穏やかな聖緑の瞳。  時間はこの瞬間のみ永遠となり、  彼女を象徴する青い衣が風に揺れる。 /context?      ――――差し込むのは僅かな蒼光。        金砂のような髪が、月の光に濡れていた。         それは、今から十年前の話。
  13. A minor update has been made to the general guidelines. A new point has been added: 9. Don't promote or link to fan translations that either cost money or require you to make money for the patch creator to get. This includes things like patreon-only patch releases and using ad-infested link shorteners for downloads. This was occcasioned by a certain site deciding to MTL VNs on a mass scale then using ad link shorteners to access them (or you could donate :>). It was somewhat difficult for me to place where this was actually supposed to go, but the forums where translations may be discussed are diverse and such topics could pop up both in tl projects, fan tl discussion, and visual novel talk depending on exactly how they'd look, so there's really no other realistic solution than a global guideline.
  14. >please refrain from posting anything illegal Illegal where? The depiction of certain elements of some visual novels tend to be illegal in some countries, particularly lolicon/shotacon content but also bestiality. edit: how can I see the timeline of the server/individual users without registering? Even twitter sort-of lets you do this and I feel like I've seen mastodon instances doing this.
  15. As the guy who often missed weeks when fuwa was actually ded I can't entirely blame you, but I'll probably post this on thursdays if vnts isn't out yet in the future. Wednesday is a mistake, but thursday is a step too far... though I'd still publish the regular vnts on a tuesday.
  16. Since Hata has been rip for various personal and emotional reasons this week, he ended up not being able to post the VNTS. I, however, was not so encumbered, so I wrote my commentary Monday night. Rather than lose it to time entirely, I'll post it here. No, I'm not doing the formatting. You can have the vnts data if you must though. I'll throw in bolded tags for the new stuff but no headings for you! This is a low effort post. 「Hello everyone. I am again writing this on Monday so that Hata can delay it to Friday or so purely on his _own_. Though given how often I was late when I did this solo, it's very hard for me to blame him. I'm doing weirdly okay today, maybe because I turned in an assignment on time yesterday that I half thought I was going to let myself miss the hard deadline on. It really is "let myself", to be honest. Thankfully I have the faculties required to just knock stuff out like a god when I need to. And I suppose I can't wax nostalgic about the period of my life when I had such high baseline anxiety from GERD and shit that I actually did all my assignments early, because, uh, I wanted them done in case I died or had to go to the hospital or some shit. Not particularly logical, anxiety thinking. Anyway, visual novels. This week feels a bit slow. We do have one release in Maid for Loving You, but I have to admit I cannot muster any enthusiasm for it. Though I didn't exactly hate Azarashi Soft's work on Aibeya 2, even as I have it stalled after getting to the more porny part of the thing. That said, who gives a crap about maids? Give me the osananajimi variant of this setting! ...Or don't, Aibeya 2 is osananajimi too and I didn't finish that. Look I just like childhood friends okay. I may have [a bit of a complex][https://disearnestlydisearnest.wordpress.com/2019/04/30/幼馴染の居ないヴァルパージス炎/]. At least 10% of my brain is convinced our fateful reunion is just around the corner. The rest of my brain is engaged in forcefully suppressing the NTR感 of thinking of her with someone else. This is the only way I can understand NTR bois, actually. It scares me. Why did I start on this topic? Fuck. Anyway, I do like the single heroine game concept though. It's cozy. It looks like this will be a December without angels yet again, if anyone remembers the 4chan ritualposter — but perhaps next December will not be so. Yup, someone's started up a project for Leaf's Tenshi no Inai 12-Gatsu. Which they're calling "[December when there is no angel][https://mercurialtapestry.net/2022/11/27/december-when-there-is-no-angel-translation-announcement/]" which sounds kinda garbo in English to me so I hope they think of something better. On the other hand the rest of the attitude on display in the post seems promising enough, so hey. I wish them luck. For some reason I thought this was just some generic moege, but it looks like it's actually a messy drama or something now that I actually look at the description on vndb. The EGS median is at 78, so it's not too badly rated by our Nipponese brethren. Sona-Nyl is yet again showing minor signs of progress. One day it will actually be out. Probably. Imagine getting a translation by one of the finest writers on the scene and just slowrolling it to all hell. Ah well. JAST Blue announced a new upcoming title: [Sorcerer's Choice: Angel or Demon][https://vndb.org/v21661] (_Mahoutsukai to Tenshi to Akuma_). I'd say something about it but even their [official promo page][https://jast.blue/detail/sorcerers-choice-angel-or-demon] has very little content, so I'll just say have fun BL squad. Where Lamento though? Mahoyo is releasing 8 December. This is not a drill. It's going to be annoying to emulate it to play it, though. Maybe when I actually get to it I'll be be-jobbed, rich, and thus suitably be-consoled. I remember an old semi-shitpost podcast I did with the BOYS about [all the different mahoyo fan translations][https://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/22460-mahoyo-translation-overview-podcast-w-zakas-mutts/] that are now probably going to be irrelevant. What a time. While not listed on VNTS, Umikara is at 14/138 scripts done as per the translator's Discord. Hope KKHimawari has been having fun. Oh, and Akagoei 1 is [getting a full re-edit][https://daybreaktl.wordpress.com/2022/11/23/november-update/] by one of the people on the team it seems. It's going to be released together with Akagoei 2, which might take some time, but is still worth thinking about if you were going to try it and have the needed patience. I wonder if the shape of any of my lines will be left in there by the end of it; I've helped Bee a few times when he was having a hard time getting things right. Which is actually a way of contributing I've settled on for a few projects (really just one right now): I'm a lazy fuck, but tackling a few difficult lines every once in a while isn't so bad. Not to mention giving general style advice, of course. It's probably made me a slightly less spicy person when it comes to translation criticism, to be honest. While I still will meme on people that are clearly not trying, or leaning on the ol' technological 'wonders' that DeepL and Google provide, it's different when you're on the team. Though I've only joined groups with at least some good feels to begin with, so who knows? I suppose it is better that I remain blissfully unaware, so that the implacable force of my scorn remains at a manageable level. Lives may be at stake.」
  17. On vndb, releases can have an engine specified. Dies Irae seems to use Malie https://vndb.org/r50485
  18. Apologies for the minorly late reply, my studies (and my sloth) kept me busy (and not so busy). First of all, you do have to tell me why to get something on the list: I want something I can link to and quote. If you just mention something in passing saying it's worth a mention, that's fair but not enough to get on the big bad list at the top. @Templarseeker Also, I wish Shining Song Starnova and its abominable faux-bad-translation writing style didn't exist. This doesn't mean I won't add it with a reason as to why you like it given, I just personally absolutely hate it unless they did a 180 from the style of the demo, which I don't think they did. Second, regarding LLTQ I don't think I want most things not on vndb on the list, especially those that are more of a emergent gameplay style. This is, of course, my personal opinion, but what the heck, I did make the thread. That said, I'd consider To The Moon and the like. Third, while I'm not going to be overly strict I will probably deprioritize repeat authors somewhat (especially if suggested by the same person). Ebi-hime is good, but we can't have her taking up half the list. Even though I am somewhat tempted. Maybe five or so representative ones. Ahem. Anyway, Sweetest Monster and Heart of the Woods have enough text to put them on the list I guess. I actually started reading HotW a little while ago and it's not too bad, though I was expecting even higher production values I think. There were some weird bugs in the version I got from itch.io where an option did the opposite of what it said it did, the beginning text overflowing the textbox due to being too big, etc. The voices are kind of interesting because they chose really low voices for like every character. It was a bit weird at first, to be honest. I haven't quite felt like reading it again for a bit, but maybe I will soon again. @Silvz Since you're gearing up for a more poggers post, I'll wait for it before adding your suggestions @Plk_Lesiak.
  19. Added. I have to say, Cinders and moacube in general tout something as a feature that I mostly consider a detriment: lots of choices. It makes walkthroughs hard to follow, tends to make content shallow, and often makes walkthroughs necessary which takes me out of the story (unless there is a transparent flowchart system or the like, which I do enjoy). This is or at least was an EVN trend for things that didn't go full kinetic instead, though I think that it's maybe lessened a bit these days. In contrast Corpse Factory actually has the "few choices" tag on vndb, so good on them for that. I've actually heard good stuff about Corpse Factory from several sources, so it's on my radar.
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