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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/11/18 in all areas

  1. I assure you that it's entirely good news. It means my work on Sanoba Witch will be over and I'll be able to take my first serious amount of time off from work in a very long time. You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to it. edit: Also, in case you're worried, post-break my schedule is looking somewhat easier in the coming months as well, so I expect to be able to keep up with site stuff after its over too.
    5 points
  2. 5 points
  3. @Jun Inoue I have a cold right now. You should hear the unholy laughter that just bubbled up from my belly.
    2 points
  4. I wrote about the VBF gameplay trial and the environment that surrounds it here. I found that the gameplay was fun, engaging and complex but it could benefit from an interface upgrade and improved tutorial. Translation is decent, with a couple glaring issues that are a cause for concern. Overall, the demo is certainly polished in comparison with the first one, but it’s still rough around the edges. I also talk about localization mistakes, but the bigger issue is with the original script itself. Would appreciate any feedback or criticism, but either way, it'd be nice to revive this discussion thread. Honestly, it's quite vexing how low of a presence Ninetail have, barely even engaging with the community. It's also surprising how the stretch goals have yet to be revealed, 20 or so days in the Kickstarter. I believe that the initial goal will be reached, but there's a lot of wasted potential. Like, just imagine if the mikandi guy was running the PR campaign. (I know about the issue with a few of the images not loading. I have spent hours trying to fix it but it's probably the plugin that is at fault. It seems to work completely fine with Google Chrome, but try clearing your cache.)
    2 points
  5. @alpacaman To be honest, Makina route is the only one that should probably be read in the all-ages version. The romance between her and Yuuji is the least believable one in the whole VN, and it honestly only works if you just stop caring about this point. Yuuji is quite broken himself, you know. You can probably get the full extent of how broken he is only after you read his full backstory in the second VN, but, in the end, it's him who is the most broken person in that school. I'm not even sure if you can call any of his relationships with the girls "romantic" considering how far he goes sometimes. I think, that's exactly why these relationships do work, and I kind of feel like you came to these conclusion exactly because you watched the anime first, but, well, I won't argue with you. Well, if you didn't like the common and Makina route, I honestly don't see much point for you to continue reading. And making yourself to read something that you don't like is the best way to burn out (I'm looking at you, Himawari). Sachi, Michiru and Yumiko routes all have some major problems in my opinion, though all of them have fans, so, I'm not sure if you should read them. And Amane route is written by the same author as Makina, so it might be better to avoid it too. I guess, you can try Sachi at some point to see if you like it more, and drop the game after that. Also, avoid Rakuen. I can almost guarantee from the thing you write in your post that you won't like it (and, imo, it's the worst part in Grisaia anyway). Well, if you connect how the original sprites look to their personalities, then pretty much all of them look... as if they took part in a genocide or something. And the sprites Mangagamer used didn't really click with me either, so whenever I decide to replay it, I'll probably just go with the Umineko Project version (if they finish porting Chiru at that point). Also, I still wonder if Ange supposed to look fat in the original...
    1 point
  6. Alright, so, the moon phases will alternate in this order: Fire>Ice>Wind>Earth>Lightning>Water>Light>Dark. Fire element units are stronger during a Fire moon and weaker during an Ice moon. Ice element units are stronger during an Ice moon and they're weaker during a Fire moon. This kind of dual relationships works in pairs for the aforementioned elements (Fire and Ice, Wind and Earth, Lightning and Water, Light and Dark). Eight elements, sixteen turns for a complete cycle. Since we have Day and Night phases, the moon takes one full day (or 2 turns in-game) to change. So you'll have: Turn 1: Fire (Day) - Assuming that you picked Fire moon as your starting moon phase when you started a new game Turn 2: Fire (Night) Turn 3: Ice (Day) Turn 4: Ice (Night) (...) Turn 16: Dark (Night) And then the cycle restarts at Fire (Day). If you're wondering what those numbers mean, 1 is the current moon phase, 2 is the next moon phase, and 6 is the previous moon phase. Here next to Attack, you can see that it's currently Earth moon. Hope this helps clear things up.
    1 point
  7. Thank you for reading it! Not sure if you can read Japanese, but you can find the unofficial wiki here. If you wish to check what your ranking would be, you can check it over here. Making quick use of google translate: Element of the day (or moon phases) is easy to check out, it's right above your resources. I understand that there's a lot of information so it's not difficult to miss out on these things. It's also possible to check what the element of the day it is during battle, though. If my review urged them to finally reveal the stretch goals, that would mean mission accomplished, I suppose. I really hope we hit that first mark, but... I'm not sure if "Parts featured..." refers to a retranslation of the prologue and Chapter 1, but perhaps it can be mended by an editor. I still do hope that skill descriptions get fixed since it's kinda ridiculous when half of the script is cut out in a translation. Either way, I'm really happy about the announcement, but I wish that the reTL had its own stretch goal, since the other items bump the price up a bit.
    1 point
  8. I'm Looking for middle ages harem hentai animation when the story talk about a male warrior or soldier had sex with many girls in the kingdom (female warrior, female soldier, maid, priestess, princess, queen, ...).exactly like:-Rance.-kyonyuu Fantasy.-Tensei Kendo no Harem Colosseum.and of course there's no hypnotism.
    1 point
  9. I recently dropped Grisaia no Kajitsu after the first route (Makina) because I found it really disappointing. It's not terrible by any means and I can see why many people love it. Some of the comedy is great (I love Tuna-Fish Man), the characters are all interesting and a few of the backstories are really intense (I watched the anime after dropping the VN to at least know what the deal was Sachi and Amane, so I write about the routes I didn't read assuming the VN didn't drastically change after ~30 hours and the anime kept the basic storylines of the routes intact). The good ingredients never came together for me though, mainly because the ratio of SoL, foreshadowing and something actually happening was way to heavy on the former two. I didn't really dislike any of the scenes but every time one of them started with one of Yuuji's inner monologues (which was about 90% of the time) I thought "welp, nothing's gonna happen in this scene". I would probably have been fine with all the SoL if the VN wasn't constantly reminding me that all characters had some tragic/traumatic backstory that would later come as some big reveal. At some point I just wanted the VN to tell me what each heroine's deal was, not which order they are having their bath times in. Additionally, using a character backstory as the main hook just isn't good storytelling imo because it's clear what kind of revelation is going to happen. If you already know there is going to be a sad backstory the only way to increase impact when the revelation happens is by adding shock value which is exactly what Grisaia no Kajitsu does. As I wrote above the backstories themselves are generally quite good, but most of the time they don't really add that much to their respective character arcs which (except for Sachi's and Michiru's route) consist of some random drama happening and Yuuji saving the day with his super soldier powers. It doesn't help that the heroines don't overcome their issues themselves but are more or less forced by Yuuji to learn their lessons. On that note I never really bought Yuuji falling in love with any of the girls since the difference in general capabilities is just too big and I also can't imagine him having a healthy romantic relationship with any one of them. Maybe the VN finds a way to pull this off well in the routes where I just watched the anime version, but judging on the Makina route where I found her and Yuuji's relationship just weird and unrealistic despite finding the premise kind of intriguing, I don't think I would change my mind. I'm probably being way too harsh but for me personally Grisaia no Kajitsu just hit all the notes I hate in stories. If you don't have these issues, you're probably going to love it. Regarding my issues with the overall pacing, I hoped the anime would do it better, but everywhere the VN is too slow, the anime rushes through things way too fast. After the first episode you already more or less knew what everyone's character twist was going to be and they had to cut so much out that it's hard to connect with any of the characters. If they had about 20-24 episodes to tell all the arcs it could have turned out well, but doing everything in just 13 episodes was a terrible choice. Next up is Umineko which hopefully will be more to my taste.
    1 point
  10. Tshiba

    Majikois S error

    Thanks for your answers. It didn't Work but im not giving UP yet.
    1 point
  11. I suspect they don't have stretch goals, with the Money Pool taking their place. Anyway, nice review, hope they read it, but one thing I want to ask is where the "unofficial wiki" is, as I'm trying to find it so I can rank my own performance. Also, in addition to your criticisms, a clearer explanation on how to tell what element the day is would be great. I've yet to figure it out. Edit: Never mind, they've revealed the stretch goals. Wonder if your review had anything to do with it? Since part of Stretch Goal 1 is redoing the parts released in the demo by Arunaru...
    1 point
  12. Okay so since I came up with the scale, I'm making this up as I go to give some sort of concrete description for what numbers from 0-10 would mean. This is a very non-linear scale, and 10 is meant to be impossible. It also covers both translation and editing and obviously some efforts will have better translation and worse editing (and vice versa) so it won't work everywhere. 0: Failed partial machine translation. Half the lines are still in Japanese. No one's edited it. The game crashes. 1: Unedited machine translation. It's a complete mystery what most lines are saying, looking more like a dictionary list of words that were used in the original. There is no semblance of the original story. 2: Edited machine translation. Someone with no knowledge of the original language has tried to edit MTL output into comprehensible English. Very little effort is put into correcting grammar. The story still remains incomprehensible. 3: Heavily edited machine translation/beginner Japanese translator with heavy MTL assistance. Someone with beginner knowledge of Japanese has heavily edited the text to try and make it represent the apparent flow of the story with some effort to make the grammar tolerable. The story can be vaguely followed, though with wild errors. 4: Intermediate level Japanese translator. Someone has made a decent effort to edit the text to represent the flow of the story and fix grammar. The bulk of the story flow remains intact, but with occasional critical plot points being missed or wrong. Grammar sounds unnatural. 5: Advanced level Japanese translator. A reasonable effort has been made to edit the grammar and text. The entirety of the major plot points remain intact, but with many subtle nuances missed. The grammar often sounds awkward and non-natural. Minor typos are scattered throughout the text with the occasional laughably bad typos. 6: Experienced advanced level Japanese translator. A concerted effort has been made to edit grammar and text. The major plot points are intact, and a significant number of the subtle nuances are captured. The grammar sounds mostly natural with the occasional awkward sounding line. Minor typos are scattered but there are no massive blunders. 7: Experienced advanced level Japanese + solid cultural knowledge translator. Generous effort has been made to polish the grammar and text. All the plot is intact, and the bulk of the subtle nuances are captured. Grammar sounds natural and awkward sounding lines are rare. Typos are infrequent. 8: Extensive cultural knowledge. Multiple pass editing. All the plot is intact, all the subtle nuances are captured. Grammar sounds natural and there are no awkward sounding lines. Typos are rare. 9: Brilliant writing. Perfect editing. The writing flows off the screen perfectly naturally in the translated language as though it was never written in Japanese. Cultural references are conveyed effortlessly. No grammar errors or typos to speak of. 10: Did someone stick a babelfish in my ear? I have entered the matrix. Neo: "I know Japanese". You are spiritually transported in time and space as though you've been part of Japanese culture all your life. You are absolutely convinced you are reading Japanese.
    1 point
  13. Eclipsed

    What are you playing?

    OK, i finished fata morgana, the 'ill never finish it' meme that's been going on for years is finallly over It's a 9-10/10 VN honestly A simply fantastic tale about tragedy, betrayal, vengeance, and a touch of romance spanning across centuries and generations The narrative starts off episodic, with an amnesiac protagonist witnessing the memories and tragedies of the various inhabitants of a cursed mansion over multiple time periods under the guidance of the enigmatic Maid, in order to eventually witness their own tragedy in an attempt to find out who they really are. Every story has its own characters, each facing their own conflicts and trials before inevitably succumbing to tragedy. Eventually the protagonist does indeed witness their own tale, and the fun part begins when its revealed that every single major character from every story witnessed, despite being centuries apart, are all deeply intertwined in the glorious web of fate, all stemming from and revolving around a single focal point: an origin tragedy that predates them all and was so brutal it cursed these people and resulted in the creation of the cursed mansion and this endless cycle of despair and torment. And so naturally it'll be up to the protagonist to save the day and it is a sight to behold. They are not without their share of baggage though, and witnessing their own personal story and the decisions they were able to commit to despite all the hardships they went through... was simply inspiring. One of the best protagonists in my VN career for sure. Spoilersduh The mystery behind the white haired girl is a decent one, I implore all new Fata Morgana readers to pay attention in particular to her interactions with the Maid throughout the episodic portions of the narrative, will make the midgame where you are finally learning about the protagonist more fun. There will be at least three plot twist revelations as to her identity and I got oof'ed in all of them cuz I'm ez. Soundtrack phenomenal, at first can be hard to appreciate the more mature atmosphere and background vocals if you were more of a cutesy moe happy SoL type but once you do accept it these tracks augment the reading experience immensely. Many bgms eerily have the right amount of length and buildup that they are able to reach their high points just as the narrative does. idk if that made sense but you should see what i mean when you get to the many climaxes and plot revelations of the story and pay attention to the music The Mutilated Body is probably hands down my favorite tragedy bgm ;-;;; It starts picking up at 2:15 and i swear its what made me finally start tearing up at EXTREME SPOILERS Misc. comment about the witch spoilersduh: ~~ Ok, i'll have to check out a Requiem of Innocence since it's short and covers a pretty important segment regarding FataMorgana but lolwow i'm so behind Then it's time for some MuvLuv, jesus i wonder how long it'll take me to get through this one
    1 point
  14. Ten More Yuri Series You Need To Read Before I Destroy You, And Everything You Have Ever Loved And welcome to yet another top ten yuri reading list. This is where I attach a arbitrary rank to something based on my general enjoyment of it. This time around I want to focus more attention on relatively obscure yuri series that might have been passed up or forgotten. This is for people who are tired of the old standard yuri tale and need something different. So, on that note, here is 10 more yuri series that you should read before I destroy you and everything you ever held dear. (Oh and if you haven't check out my first yuri list here.) Number 1. After Hours by Yuhta Nishio Statues: Complete, with two volume released in English If there is one thing that the yuri sub genre needs more than anything else is a change in location. For so long most yuri mangaka have been content to only ever set their creations in a High School the most boring setting of them all. Not only that but they were for the most part all girl schools with nary a male in sight. After Hours is a different beast all together and features actual adults in actual adult situations doing adult things. It is nothing short of a revelation. After Hours is a manga about the adventures of two women in Kei and Emi in the vibrant nightlife of Tokyo. Emi, a 24 year old unemployed young woman meets Kei at a nightclub after being ditched by her friend. Emi ends up going home with Kei that night and they begin something of a interesting relationship. One of the most striking things about this story is how plausible it all is. The fact that she meets Kei at a club and goes home with her sounds so realistic. Emi's struggle in trying to find her footing in the world also feels more relatable since it is coming from an actual adult instead of some high school girl. Many times the world that a yuri story takes place in seems so far removed from our world. They exist in some fantasy version of Japan where no men exist except in a few crowd shots. After Hours goes a different route and feels connected to the real world even if it is still a work of fiction. Not only that but it features a diverse cast of characters other than the two leads and they are each unique and distinct. So many times in manga and anime in general the only difference between certain characters are their hairstyle. That is not the case with this cast and they strengthen the story and help give it shape. The combination of all those factors make After Hours into a rewarding and engaging read. Number 2. Pieta By, Haruno Nanae Status: Completed There are some manga series that come along that are true gems that deserve to be noticed. Pieta is that sort of manga, it is beautiful and impactful. Named after the iconic statue by Michelangelo Pieta tells the story of the budding relationship between Sahoko and Rio. One thing that is striking about the manga is its melancholy nature and it seeps through the pages. Haruno is unafraid to tackle tough topics like depression and handles it in a way that I haven't seen in other similar series. Many yuri series feature so called damaged girls that have gone through trauma of some nature, but something about it seems a bit unreal. Pieta, on the other hand is completely grounded and has characters actually talk about their emotions and troubles. Pieta also has a physiologist couple who provide an even stronger framework around the series. This really makes it stand apart from the crowd and gives it a character all of its own. The art is very unique as well and add to it's bittersweet charm. Like a cherry on top, Sahoko is one of the strongest and most emotionally mature protagonists I've encountered in a story. There really needs to be more stories like this one. Number 3. Yuunagi Marbled by Momono Moto Status: Completed Personally, I think the one thing every so called great story needs is a strong protagonist. It is not always provided and unless the plot or other characters are able to do some series heavy lifting the story will fall apart. For the yuri genre a lot of the protagonists have not deviated much from the blueprint set out in the first yuri ever Shiroi Heya no Futari. They are usually very angsty indecisive and are often easily jerked around by the quintessential dark haired beauty that every yuri are court ordered to have. This particular manga is different however and it is also the reason it is so high on my list. All of it has to deal with the strength of the protagonist. One evening Enna is walking her dog down a strip of coastline when she spots a forlorn dark haired girl standing in the shallows. She is initially confused as to why she is there and wonders if it might be a suicide attempt. They lock eyes and Enna goes on her way. The next day at school she and her class gets ready to greet a new transfer student that just so happens to be the mysterious beauty she encountered the other day. Enna increasingly finds herself drawn to the lonely girl named Mshio without quite understanding why. What makes Enna so great is that she acts completely opposite to how we assume typical yuri protagonist would act. She is self assured and proactive and unwilling to be consumed with angst and indecisiveness like some other protagonists I could mention (you know who they are.) With a great degree of care and sweetness she sets to work on her "broken girl" and begins the healing process with seconds to spare. This story could have easily have lasted over ten volumes if it had any other protagonist helming it but with Enna in control it lasts for only two very satisfying volumes. There were so many times in the manga where Enna would break from the established angsty norm in exciting ways. For example, when Mishio kisses Enna for the first time Enna pushes her away but not because she is disgusted or shocked by the idea that two girls are kissing. No, it is because she simply doesn't know how to breath while being kissed. It is so unlike Moto to write a story like this since some of her other yuri manga's feature some of the most angsty protagonists around. The glory of Enna should definitely be witnessed first hand. (Behold Enna, the Breaker of Angst) Number 4. Cirque Arachne By, Saida Nika Status: Complete I've never been to the circus though I did want to go just to see how it was, and a part of me thought about running away to the circus like every young kid. If it is anything like Cirque Arachne then I've been really missing out. This story named after the weaver cursed by Athena into becoming the first spider is about love found on the tight rope. Teti is the principal star of this tale and she takes center stage and shines all the more brilliantly for it. She is a traveling performer who finds a welcome home at the Cirque Arachne. There, she meets the lovely acrobat Charlotte who is a very driven woman determined not to let anyone into the little world she's created for herself. They are partnered together and inevitably the two become closer. Now, they must determine what to do with their complicated feeling intermingled with their differences. What really makes this story stand out from the crowd is the absolutely beautiful artwork. It is visually stunning the way it flows and how fluid their movements are. The term poetry in motion is thrown out a lot but it is very applicable here. The story is another standout and it is told skillfully with a great degree of warmth and sincerity. It deserves to be read. Number 5. Qualia the Purple by Tsunashima Shirou and Ueo Hisamitsu Status: Complete One of the flaws of many yuri series is their narrow scope, narratively speaking. They are primarily concerned with the development and fruition of the relationship between two women. Now, there might be an underlying story and conflicts that may come between them but for the most part it is chiefly about romance. The problem with this is the that it causes the genre as a whole to seem somewhat static and predictable. Many series hit familiar story beats you've seen time and time again, and are forced to rely on the strength of their characters to make it stand out from the pack. Qualia the Purple is such a different story from what we view as the norm that I have no comparisons to make, at least in the yuri genre. Qualia the Purple was originally a light novel by Ueo Hisamitsu that was then made into a manga with artwork by Tsunasima Shirou. This utterly unique story is very hard to explain and is honestly something that should just be read for yourself, so I won't go into much detail. The basic rundown is the odd friendship between a average tomboyish young girl named Hatou Manabu and her odd friend Marii Yukari. Yukari is a purple eyed girl who claims that people are robots instead of humans. While she just seems to be at first to be nothing but a bit of an oddball, until things soon start to happen that puts her in a different light. Surprisingly, this is at its core a deep and complex science fiction story and later on the revelations and new developments come fast and hot. Expect the unexpected with this story. Number 6. Clover By, Otsu Hiyori Status: Completed Otsu Hiyori is probably one of my favorite manga authors around and she has a distinctive style all her own, from her stories to her characters to her writing. The characters in the stories are normally very unique and quirky and the art style is wonderful. Clover is an interesting story about the relationships of one specific family. It is told in a different style that forgoes typical chronological formatting and tells each story out of order. It starts with a story about the youngest daughter of the family and goes up the oldest before bringing it back to the second youngest again. Each story is self contained and deals with the daughters relationship with different women. It serves as an good introduction to Otsu Hiyori's work. Number 7. Silver Gymnasium By, Hiruno Tsukiko Status: Complete Silver Gymnasium is by far one of the most beautiful and just sad entries on this list. It is unique as it is set in an orphanage for young girls, and follows the trials and tribulations of several girls that reside there. It is often at once achingly and also extremely depressing. The writing and art style contributes to its melancholiness. I was really hit hard by it because I didn't see it coming. It is cold and bleak as the winter snow but carries with it the promise of spring. Just, remember to bring a tissue. Number 8. Lonely Wolf, Lonely Sheep By Mizutani Fuuka Status: Complete Do you believe in fate? Personally, I've never been one that ascribed to that particular belief. I think the only thing I'm really fated to do is be buried in the ground when I've reached the ed of my days. Still, fate makes for some pretty good stories including this one, Lonely Wolf, Lonely Sheep. This somewhat unusual story concerns two girls who meet one day in a hospital. Not only are their names both Imari Kakimoto but they are in the hospital for the same injury. In fact, the only thing they don't have in common is that their birthdays are a day apart. Due in part by this extraordinary happenstance they become friends, however, both are harboring secrets that could put their relationship in jeopardy. This story while being short rich and dramatic, and also has one of the best character reversals I have seen. Read it, and you might start believing in fate as well. Number 9. Honey Crush By Asu Tsubaki Status: Complete Like a kick in the shin and a sock in the mouth from your best girl, here's another angsty yuri story set in a high school! Wait, where are you going? No, this is really great I swear! This one is about a ghost! Okay, good you stuck around. It would have been a shame if I had to drag you back by force. Honey Crush is a quirky story about the misadventures of Mitsu Amemiya who harbors a deep unrequited love for a girl from another school. She's also a bit of a stalker as well, but the cute kind okay? Like the kind that watch their crush from afar and wish them nothing but the best, not the ones that dig in through their trash, and plot detailed kidnapping simulations in their spare time. On one of her stalking escapades she crosses the street and this happens to her... When Mitsu comes to she realizes that not only is she dead but that she is also a ghost. Anchored to this world by her unrequited love and without any hope of becoming a spirit detective, Mitsu now must content herself with watching over her crush like a young Swayze. However, her plans are throttled yet again by the arrival of a new transfer student who not only has a prior relationship to Mitsu's crush, but is also the only one who can actually see her! This is a really heartwarming story that at times can be sweet, sad, and funny all at once. It has got a lot of charm to it and it will squeeze your heart in a vice grip while your not looking. Number 10. I decided to fake a marriage with my junior () to shut my parents up By Kodama Naoko Status: Complete I started with adult yuri and by God, am I going to end it with adult yuri! Okay, so the name basically says it all, isn't that nice when that happens? Like the title said, this short series is about a adult woman named Machi whom is convinced by a friend to marry her so she won't be bugged by her parents anymore. While this has the longest name on this list it is also the shortest. What makes this unusual is that I am completely fine with it! If you know yuri at all then the name Kodama Naoko is one that you have at the very least a passing familiarity with. She's well known for her twisted characters and soap opera like drama, with NTR: Netsuzou Trap being her most infamous creation. What makes I fake married my junior(I'm not going to type in that long a title every time I reference this) so great is that it is completely different from her other works. Machi is another one of these rare specimens who can break through angst and make clear and decisive choices when called upon. Gone are the indecisive protagonists that are only dragged along by their femme fatales. It is time for a new day, and the dawn brings Machi! Well, there you have it folks, I have gifted you with some quality yuri handpicked by yours truly. Now get out of my sight. You disgust me. Oh, and by the way...
    1 point
  15. On one hand, from a technical standpoint this totally matters. On the other, from a meme standpoint nobody knows what the fuck a dot-space-I is and the effect is very similar. In conclusion, biman totally has double spaces despite it not having double spaces.
    0 points
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