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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/15 in all areas

  1. Satsuki

    What are you playing?

    Quote of the Day
    3 points
  2. Well, the answer to the above question is simple... I saw the monster girl anime for this season's first episode and got curious about what kind of content these games had... to be honest, I was planning to drop it inside the first few hours, using it as a break from more serious content before starting Baldr Force.. but I was surprised to find just how good the writing in these games is. That said, the early games (the Lamia and Alraune games) are nukige, as presented... and the H scenes are kind of guro in a lot of cases (to be honest, I can't get into the H in this series at all, lol). However, I was kind of stunned at how good the writing is in the ones I've played and how they created a sense of connection and continuity between all the VNs in the series. First, you have to understand that all the VNs prior to Monmusu Gakuen are written in the same general period of the setting's history and Gakuen is written in a period fifteen to twenty-five years after those (the kids from three of the VNs are heroines in Gakuen). The most solid of the VNs as a whole is the Arachne/Harpy/Cyclops VN, which focuses on Hibiki, a guy who basically gets summoned from Earth by Ariane the Arachne on a whim... The speed with which he adjusts to his new lifestyle is a bit unreal, but the interactions between him and the heroines are endlessly amusing... and the actual story of each path is touching enough emotionally that I cried, despite the fact that I had to skip past the H to keep from being ill in some cases (you can tell that the writer is basically acting out his fetishes with enthusiasm...). The Scylla/slime VN is the second most solid, with a somewhat... free-spirited pirate as a protagonist. The slime is a total moron who believes anything the scylla maid says... which wouldn't be so bad if the scylla's hobby wasn't making her look like an idiot. I spent most of this one just laughing... endlessly laughing. I laughed until my jaw hurt with this one. The general absurdity of the VN's premise doesn't in any way take away from the comedic character dynamic or the emotionality of the heroine paths (there is pretty much nothing emotional until you actually get on those two paths). Monmusu Gakuen is the weakest of the three I completed (three VNs in two days) and it retains a lot of the atmosphere of the other two... but in exchange, the H is even more guro and the number of heroines kind of dilutes the emotionality of the paths in several cases. Nonetheless, it is easy to get attached to them, simply because of the protagonist's point of view as their teacher. I came out of curiosity and stayed for the writing. I'm just curious... why is it that some of the best VN writers are the weirdest kind of pervert? Edit: I almost didn't write anything on these... but I felt I owed it to the people who might actually be interested in this kind of interracial romance story to at least say something about my experience. I just also felt the need to warn you that... if you have imaginings about the H, it is actually probably a bit worse than you imagined.
    2 points
  3. there's an anime for everything out there isn't it, i rearly watch anime, almost as reare as it is to finish a vn, my state of mind has been particularly sh!tty lately fueld by a few vn's so i'm on withdrawal, i'm thinking about getting a bit more serious about reading vn's when majikoi s comes out if it's like 3 hours long than i can spare some sanity for that ) i don't think i read any vn's that was shorter than like 10 hours ever edit: so this and than canvas 2 on the chopping block... i need a beer, i need a keg... need more drink...
    2 points
  4. And broke a bone.
    2 points
  5. I don't think I'll ever understand what is fun about having voyeurs watching you play a game...
    2 points
  6. 私はあなたの愛を確かめたいんじゃない あなたの心にあの男が「居ない」ことを確かめたいのよ It's actually "I don't". That's what ties into what she's saying. I don't need to confirm your love for me. I need to confirm that guy doesn't exist in your heart. "I know you love me. I need to make sure you love *only* me" sort of thing. A very yandere thing to do. And you can use the proper term Probatio diabolica https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Probatio_diabolica Since it's probably supposed to be just as confusing in Japanese.
    2 points
  7. oh nagi, you damn lolicon.
    2 points
  8. dowolf

    Japanese Help Thread

    ユナが私を愛してることを証明するのはきっと容易いことだわ (I'm sure it's pretty simple for you to tell me you love me.) Should be "Proving that you love me is surely a simple task." でもねあなたの愛に一片の偽りも誤魔化しも「無い」ことを証明するのはとても大変なことなの (But you know, if there's even a piece of falsehood in that love of yours and you're trying to deceive me, it would be really troublesome.) Should be "But you know, proving that your love contains not even a shred of falsehood or chicanery is terribly difficult." 私はあなたの愛を確かめたいんじゃない (I need to be sure about your feelings.) It's fine the way it is no it's not I'm dumb read what Pain posted below, but I like the repetition for emphasis here of 確かめたい that your translation loses. あなたの心にあの男が「居ない」ことを確かめたいのよ (I have to confirm that guy doesn't exist anywhere inside your heart.) Perhaps more poetically, "that he is gone from your heart," but this is fine. 例えばサンタクロースが「居る」ことを証明するのは簡単だわ (For example, it's pretty simple to prove Santa Claus exists.) 空飛ぶ本物のサンタクロースをたった一人見つけ出せばいいんだもの (All it takes is someone seeing a genuine Santa Claus flying in the sky.) I think you made a minor comprehension error here--the たった一人 refers to Santa Claus, not the viewer; i.e., "You just have to see one real Santa Claus." That said, it doesn't significantly impact the meaning of the sentence, and the literal translation sounds meh in English, so I'm fine with yours--I just thought I'd mention it. 一方で宇宙人が「居ない」ことを不可能に近い (On the other hand, it's almost impossible to prove aliens don't exist.) なぜなら全宇宙のあらゆる星々にほんの少さな宇宙人すら居ない事を確認しんくてはならないのだから (That's because the universe has millions of celestial bodies and it's impossible to confirm there aren't aliens in some of them.) Recall that 星 can simply mean "planet." I would simply translate it as such here. Amongst the stars, as Parallel Pain suggested, would work too. Other than that, I agree with Down. *some needless talking* 話を戻すと…要するに事実の不存在は証明が極めて難しいの (Going back to what I was saying... The point is, it's more difficult to prove things don't exist than the opposite.) While fine, consider "It is nearly impossible to prove the nonexistence of something." いわゆる悪魔の証明というやつね (One would call it "the proof of evil".) (I'm not sure if someone has a better expression for 悪魔の証明) As noted above "a devil's proof" is the standard translation. While not literal, perhaps consider "That's why it's called a Devil's Proof." かといって不可能というわけでもない (Alhough I say that, it's not completely impossible to do so.) Snip out the "I say that" and "to do so" bits. They're unnecessarily verbose. I agree with Down's translations of the next two lines, but if I may offer something a little more natural-sounding: 「在る」とする仮定が矛盾を内包するとさえ証明できたならば If you assume something exists and can show that this produces a contradiction... それは「無い」ことを裏付けたことになる That supports its nonexistence.
    2 points
  9. Blogging once again, dear lord here we go. I bought Bloodborne a while back together with a couple of games on Steam and Lords of the Fallen, I decided to save it for a bit later since I knew it would be an emotional roller coaster and I wanted to chill a bit more during my first weeks of vacations. I was something around halfway through Lords and then I managed to bug the game so hard that I'd have to reset my save so oh well, who cares about this anyway? Time for some Bloodborne. I started the game as usual, got rekt a few times, learned a bit about the combat, kept getting rekt, learned about some consumables, got rekt a bit more, and so onward. I decided to stream myself playing after I learned that the PS4 had a share function - which is a button on the controller with "share" written above it lmfao - and that I could just plug my PC headest on the USB port to use the mic. I think I played for around 3 hours or something like that, maybe a bit less or more, no idea, doesn't matter. The most viewers I got was 14 I believe and that was quite impressive imo, never had so many . Unfortunately, I don't really know a lot of the people who were there, or maybe I do know but their twitch username is different from what I know them as and that made me not recognize them, username issues. From the forums, I know Spiduh, Emi, Abyssal Monkey maybe, and Ren were there, sorry if I forgot anyone. That reminds me, Ren was raging on the chat that his video-game streams never got that many viewers and being salty, the usual I guess, I appreciate the salt regardless. This was the stream report: Died around 10 times total. Something like seven times to the boss and the other ones to random mobs because I was tilting. Had to decline three guys who wanted/offered to play with me because I don't have the Playstation Plus thing. Got Ren salty because he gets no viewers when he streams games. (Get rekt you scrub ) Realized that I seriously need to git gud. Brother restarted our internet in the middle of the stream, production value at its finest. As usual, streaming is insanely fun and I decided to do it more now that I know that I'm able to. I'll probably stream my whole Bloodborne playthrough so whoever feels like it can come watch my tears and screams of pain and pleasure, though most of the time you'll probably only watch me going through the pain part. I don't have a fixed schedule for streaming but I'll be making a thread for the whole thing and keep announcing there when I'll be going live and all that, I don't feel like making a new one whenever I decide to stream, too much work. I guess that's it for this post, I'll just update it with a link to the stream thread and channel later. Thanks for reading and I hope to see you guys on stream. Stream thread: Link Stream channel: Link
    1 point
  10. Man, this one was a journey. Fate/ stay night is the longest visual novel I ever took to read. Taking over a year, while I read several games in between. At first I was turned off by the text covering the whole screen the entire game. the prologue didn't really get me hyped for anything, and magic seemed really complicated. And stupid. And the main character was weak sauce. But then I got back into it, I don't know how, or why buy I started up again last week and I finished it today. All of it. At 4 in the morning. I suddenly was captivated by the world, the characters and the way Shirou got stronger. From learning about Saber's past to Archer being the embodiment of Shirou's beliefs, to becoming part machine, part blade to stop a unbeatable dark force, your underclassman. And then the Tiger Dojos. Oh my god the Tiger Dojos. Now I've got a couple of questions for those who played the game and loved it. And also a question regarding certain unlocks... So--- 1.What is your favorite route? Is there a generally best considered or main route, or are there wars over which one is better? 2.Are the animes any good? The only thing I've heard of Fate/ stay night before playing the game was my friends discussing the anime. 3.Um... I think I am missing the opening video for Heavens Feel route... the movie section seems a bit barren with only two videos... 4.Also, is there suppose to be two normal endings for Heavens feel? I can't seem to get the second oneno matter how hard I try...help...
    1 point
  11. Hey guys, as a bunch of you know I've been working on this thing for quite a while now because I had no idea what to do with it. So, I decided to just make it a boring old thank you post. Sorry! Anyways, as some of you might know I found this site around christmas last year, after finding and finishing Katawa Shoujo and looking for a dedicated forum about VN's. This is because KS's forum sucks balls. Anyways, I got hooked on fuwa immediately thanks to its amazing userbase (despite a few sour people/trolls who shall not be named) which is why I feel the need to thank some of you for being there in a time where I needed a shoulder to lean on. I was feeling like shit for the longest time and you guys helped me out a lot. After being bullied for years and finding out some things about my mental state I really wish I had never found out, you guys gave me a new home. I seriously cannot express how grateful I am for that. So, thank you: - Flutterz, for teaching me the joys of [censored by new forum laws] - Nosebleed, for [redacted] - Tiag, for teaching me about sarcasm on the internet - Zeno, Sachi thanks you - Kosaki, for letting me join his harem - The SIF crew (Ezeefreak, Rose, Kaguya, Yoki, Ceris, maki-chan, ...), for being all round amazing and interesting people - The Confessions crew (Funyarinpa, CrunchyTaco, LinovaA, Zodai, rainismyfav, ...), for listening to my insane ramblings and for being some of the nicest people I've ever met. Also, tents - Mustkill1234 - Zaka, for being a badass and helping me join the forum - Tay, for being the God we pray to in our darkest hours - Ren, for your continuous efforts to make Fuwa more fun And every other amazing person on this forum: Thank you for being here
    1 point
  12. Had another appointment with my psychologist today, and it turned out really well. Now I feel like I'm almost ready to start working again. She's gonna try to set me up with some counseling to find a job that won't stress me out as much as my previous ones had. I'm really awful when it comes to multitasking and dealing with customers, so it's sorta difficult for me to find suitable work that doesn't require me going through college. One possibility is for me to work inventory at a store or something, but I'd still like to see what other options are there for me. I've also talked over a few things regarding how my mom affects my will to work, but I think it's possible that that has been resolved already. You see, there's been this phase where she takes so much money from my pay and blows it off on toys for my sister, expensive dining, etc, and I rarely got to look forward to buying anything that wasn't dirt cheap. We had this talk a while ago, but she has been holding back on her spending so that I can actually buy stuff, lol. Her social security income has gone up recently too, so that should alleviate things for me quite a bit, lol. And once we've moved out of my aunt's house, I'll be relieved of yet another stress and get that much closer to my ideal mental health. Once I've gotten to that point, I'll start thinking about college. I'll be getting in touch with someone soon to find out what my GI Bill entitlements are. So yeah, I'm happy as hell right now!
    1 point
  13. Maybe you should try getting contact with him?
    1 point
  14. Still in Part 2 of Puchin's route. I want to make some serious progress for once, but I keep getting distracted by stuff
    1 point
  15. Unlimited Blade Works is my favorite, but I think Heaven's Feel is probably a better written route. I just found UBW more personally relatable. I actually didn't dislike Shirou too much, aside from his occasional chauvinism that all VN protagonists seem to suffer from. "I helped you because you're a girl! Not because I would help any human being that was in danger! It's because you were born without a penis!" I hate that line of logic. And it's worse in Shirou's case because until a very specific point in the story, he isn't actually helpful in the least; his belief that he can somehow protect them is condescending to Saber and Tosaka in my opinion. But I really liked how firm he was on his ideals and even his pushover-ness appealed to me on some level. I like an idealist protagonist, and can relate to the helping people who don't deserve your help kind of attitude, too. I'm midway through the Unlimited Blade Works anime, and it's excellent. I've seen the sentiment expressed by some hardcore anime fans that they think it's only seen as good because of its high budget, but that's not the case at all. I think they're just mad that everyone is talking about it and are looking for ways to bring it down so that they can feel superior for liking less universally praised stuff. It's really a fantastic show, the fighting is excellent, the story is handled well, and it doesn't get things wrong, either. I haven't seen Fate/Zero yet, but I absolutely plan to. F/SN is one of my favorite VNs of all time, behind Tsukihime, which is a goddamned masterpiece.
    1 point
  16. Aye, he is. The beginning is dark and despicable, everything after that is up to you. Aye. The thing is really short, the art is great and it's atleast nowhere near as creepy as canvas 2.
    1 point
  17. Its pretty decent for a short read. The good ending itself kinda far fetched but it sweet nonetheless. FYI i prefer one of the bad end for the ending, its kinda perfect. But if u got free time just read it. it took less than 3 hours to finish it.
    1 point
  18. Confession: It's not like I actually want children, just because I always choose inside! EDIT Confession: I killed another wasp with my bare fist.
    1 point
  19. The guys from FSG are such trolls. Anyways thanks for all your advices. Apparently she told me yesterday that she held me so close since I am like her hero who saved her from the darkness That made me feel bad about telling her about the friendzoning thingy, I think I will wait till we meet next month irl and just tell her out straight, face to face. That's the least I can do to respect her , I can't do it by texting. Unless I am just jumping to conclusions and she didn't mean to give me signs like these (this is a very weak possibility but it's still a possibility). I will try to be friends with her after that although it's unlikely , as someone who got rejected before, it's hard to live with the other side as friends and laugh again. Confessing/Giving signs is a double-edged sword. Really. You might take ur friendship to the other level or degrade it and destroy it into nothingness. There are limits to how persistent a human can be so this is highly unlikely. However if I do think of it, what I would do is actually appreciate the friendship while keep mentioning that we are just friends from time to time. This is unnecessary rant so you can ignore it: I think this is basically the best expression to describe me and my speeches most of the time
    1 point
  20. Kaguya

    Waifu battle royale!

    Just did a simulation with yours. Kotori is a monster. I'll set one up myself and post it here.
    1 point
  21. If that's the case, I will try to contribute. I have some international trips right ahead, though. So, in two weeks, if it's not too late, I will contact you. Until then, good luck!
    1 point
  22. Oh my goodness, I've already read all of Muv-Luv and to me it's a work of art! Personally I prefer Muv-Luv (Alternative atleast) to F/SN, but at least Fate/ stay night didn't give me PTSD.
    1 point
  23. Generally speaking, there are very few cultures that make an effort to speak foreign names correctly.
    1 point
  24. Ayyy lmao. Your title makes me so proud of what I've contributed. <3 <3 <3 Happy stay, Tyrael. I'm glad to have met you.
    1 point
  25. Finished Yukino's route today. I have to finish this fast. After all, the English-translated end of the world is up in 4 days. I must make haste. What I have to say? Well... Uh. Quite normal. Of course it is. It's a gag eroge with cute girls in it. What dark, deep story can there possibly be in this game? I think the best thing about the game is the interaction that happens between the characters anyway. As Fred has said, drama's not the good point of this eroge. The comedy is. Nonetheless, they needed some kind of plot or something to establish the ever deepening relationship of Junichiro with one of the girls. That's why there was drama in the game, imo. Well, not that I mind. I get teary-eyed from this kind of drama too, anyway. Still though, the most commendable part is still the comedy. Of course, I love the perverted personality that Junichiro has too. I like that kind of comedy. This is also my second time playing through the game, so realizing that I never noticed the numerous references makes me more aware of my ever worsening weeb condition. Who cares? what's important is that it's fun. I won't say anything about the amount of H-scenes. With a perverted protagonist like that, what would you expect? Anyway, the route was fun. The ending was, of course, anti-climactic, but I don't mind. This game shouldn't be taken seriously anyway. Also did Part 2 of Irina's route. I'm at Part 3 now. Oh my god... This romance... I-It's embarrassing.
    1 point
  26. Fred the Barber

    True or False

    True, though it's been a long time. But Satsuki and TexasDice have had me seriously thinking I should revive that hobby. Next person has blushed in the past 24 hours.
    1 point
  27. Confession: For the last few posts from hsmsful in this thread, the tone of his post has perfectly matched his grumpy Tohsaka avatar's expression, and it amuses me endlessly. Hmm. Slow, sad, rock... These are fairly random, and probably not all of them are what you're looking for (or maybe none of them!), but here's some bands I found in my collection that seems to fit that general idea, with relevant and somewhat representative song selections: Dire Straits: Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young: Modest Mouse: Wilco: Bon Iver: Iron and Wine: Matthew Sweet: Idlewild: Fleet Foxes:
    1 point
  28. Confession: Thank you so fucking much Flutterz for properly introducing me to the to The Scorpions. Edit: Any other slow, sad (not necessarily but preferably rock) recommendations, anyone? I'll even give Pink Floyd another try.
    1 point
  29. More like, the current patch was never meant to support the Steam version, that's why some users have problems when installing it on the Steam version, although it should theoretically be the same if you didn't mess with any files. I really suggest a clean reinstall without any external patches just to make sure the game runs before you try to mess with it.
    1 point
  30. When do you think we'll have a demo? Progress seems to be coming nicely, concept-wise it's certainly unique, that said we don't have much to base the writing quality off of, or at the very least something to give feedback off so the final product is stronger. Is it somewhere on the priority list or are there other things to be taken care of first?
    1 point
  31. Vokoca

    What are you playing?

    Aboard the hype train!
    1 point
  32. Definitely the first one. I've had something similar happen twice now, and each time hurt like a bitch. Even if it's not what the person intended to say, it sends the message, "I can't even stand to be around you anymore," instead of "I'm going to not be around you in order to help you", not to mention the fact that it's emotionally traumatic for at least one person, and it's taking the easy way out. Obviously, I'm biased, but still. Running away doesn't really help anything. Confession: I think I'm addicted to Castlevania games. I bought 3 Castlevania DS games in under a month and I've been grabbing ROMs left and right.
    1 point
  33. Maybe that file is corrupted. Try redownloading from other source and from what anime/vn is your wallpaper
    1 point
  34. Congrats on your 1k post, Tyrael! It's always fun seeing you around on the confessions thread ;p.
    1 point
  35. yeah, dont forget to try out monster girl quest. I came out of curiosity and stayed for the writing. as the same thing happend for me for that series.
    1 point
  36. Ayana

    What are you playing?

    Sakura no Uta's Trial.. of course. Sca-ji, let's see what you have in store with just this trial. :>
    1 point
  37. Down

    What are you playing?

    Time to stop everything I've been doing.
    1 point
  38. I can answer only for example №1, it is exactly how Russian names are look like, name, then your father's name, then surname, and thisone in example is pretty easy and common too So to answer question "why" i can tell you "becase devs do their researches on the matter".
    1 point
  39. Yeah I have no idea why they'd take a chance to make some money for a task that's grudgingly long and hard, and have an opportunity to release a better quality translation this way. Sounds weird.
    1 point
  40. Justice is served! No one can resist Momo.
    1 point
  41. I pretty much only read Osadai for the crazy references, the happy go lucky romcom is too much for me. I was pretty disappointed with Ell, she wasn't robotic (or spaceshippy?) enough. She appearances or behavior didn't form a big enough gap from humans, so she just seemed like a socially awkward little girl. Nonhuman heroines should have proper nonhuman charm points. I'll just hope her route makes things better. The ranking itself is clear as day: Puchin>Ran>Ell>Yukino
    1 point
  42. Looking forward to the next poll consisting of just Albatross, Dies Irae, Saihate no Ima and Bradyon Veda. Hm, I am not the only one spoiled on the genre shift then? I kind of know what the shift involves and it worries me... hopefully they actually go over that part first. Damn it VNDB.
    1 point
  43. Tay

    The Fuwanovel Recipe Game

    So we should change the rules so that if the recipe-giver, or the accept-or go AWOL for >4 days, somebody else can step in. Sorry guys! Recipe attempt #2: Many of us here on the site are poor students. This is a very cheap recipe with lots of nutritional value! Tuna Tomato Pasta 3 Cloves of garlic (crushed/cut up) 2 tbsp of olive oil 1 28-oz (796 mL) can tomatoes 1 6.5 oz (186g) can tuna, drained 0.5 tsp dried oregano 0.5 tsp dried basil 0.5 tsp red pepper flakes 0.5 tsp salt 1 tbsp capers (optional but yummy!) (<-- I almost never have these on hand, though) In a large skillet saute the garlic in the olive oil for a couple of minutes until softened. Dump in the tomatoes, juice and all, and mash them up with a fork or potato masher. Add the tuna, seasonings, and capers and stir. Bring to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer for ~15 minutes. Toss with hot cooked pasta and sprinkle with lots of grated parmesan cheese. Makes 4 servings.
    1 point
  44. I just noticed a major screw up on my part by using tea spoons instead of tablespoons, especially for the cocoa, that's why it's so light in color. Oh well, turned out alright. I might make another back for the lulz to see how it's supposed to look and taste like when done properly. Edit: My follow up recipe for: Fried Rice - Nay Thai Style Time necessary: 40 minutes preparation, about 10 minutes cooking. 300g rice (I only use white jasmine rice) 150-200g pork or chicken 110g corn (maize) 2 tbsp (ideally peanut) oil 1-2 cloves of garlic, chopped (one is plenty for my tastes) 1 medium sized onion, chopped 1/2 tsp black pepper 4 tbsp soy sauce of your choice (I prefer dark) 4 tsp green curry paste 1 cucumber 2 carrots 3 green onions 1 lime Preparations Cut up the carrots into either slices or whatever cut suits you. Steam with the rice, only for about 5-10 minutes depending on size of your cuts, you don't want them too hard or too soft. Cook your rice beforehand and put in the fridge for about 2 hours. No need to salt it. Peel the cucumber, then cut in half lengthways and scoop out the seeds with a spoon. Cut into slices afterwards. Cut the green onions and your meat into 1 inch/2.5 cm slices. Cut the lime into slices. Put everything up to here on the sides. Actual cooking Heat your wok or frying pan (you'll need quite a big one for this much). Put the oil in there until it's really hot (peatnut oil would start to smoke at this point). Then add garlic, your chopped onion and pepper. Fry for 2 minutes, add your meat and fry depending on tastes until either well done or crispy. After that add the rice and corn and carrots and fry for another 3 minutes, stir constantly. Put both soy sauce and curry paste into a small bowl and mix thoroughly, then pour slowly over the rice while stirring, you want this to get everywhere for a nice color and consistent taste. Keep frying until you've got everything mixed up properly. Add this point I press out the juice of 2-3 lime slices over it, but that's optional. Put into a bowl and add the limes and green onion slices for decoration. I guess that's about it.
    1 point
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