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  2. Didn't know VNTranslationTools had a hook like that, interesting... I still very much appreciate your comment on this matter, it's still a real solution which should help in this matter, but as I said in the beginning of the thread: It kinda defeats the point because all it does is what the name implies: Emulates the game in another region. I don't have anything against it, though. But I want to find out what is the way to make a region-blocked game run in another regions without having to emulate the region. Because if other visual novels using the same engine, even some using the same exact version, can run in whatever region and others can't, there must be a list of steps to make a region-blocked game, a region-free game.
  3. you probably don't need it anymore, but for people in the future who are annoyed by these seisai battles and need a save (like me now, because I had to go through it through tears) here is the link to google drive
  4. In that case, contact DMM support and let them know of the issue. Then ask for either a refund or product support since they technically sold you a defective product.
  5. No problem. Something I try to do though is in a VN, I open up Cheat Engine and do a memory search for the word “tickl” to see any instance where it shows up. Obviously I can’t ask you to do that for every VN you own though, XD. That or I try and find full text dumps of VNs out there as well, and searching those. Would you happen to know of any particular database out there that contains text dumps of VNs to search?
  6. Honestly looking from how Alcot was suddenly stop making years releases after Shogun-sama fandic, it's quite predictable they'll retire (Although I still feel bad about it for the obvious reason). Also from what I see somewhere, apparently the writer want to retire as well, so he decided to make Clover Memory's as one last project before retire. Anyway, the link to it's Campfire in case you want to check the crowdfund, and the goal is to gather 36 million yen within May 31st later.
  7. The thing is VNDB only list the tag 'Tickle Torture' as sexual activity, and in case you want the one outside sex scenes it's kind of hard to recall it. So my apologies that I can't help you much in regard of non-sexual tickle scene in the VNs.
  8. Watch Gushing Over Magical Girl in Winter 2024, and let's just say it end at the perfect moment before the plot getting more intricate (Also yes it has some interesting plot despite the series is just the female MC became the villain cadre who out to sexually torture the magical girl as the way to express her love). Other than that, I also watch Onimai which ultimately is usual CGDCT despite the unusual premise that made me drop the manga for years and skip the anime until now (Also it's good to have Studio Bind working on Onimai anime with the manga translator was initially expected Doga Kobo will worked on it).
  9. Actually, it's simple. Use a hook which calls Locale Emulator function like this, and include LoaderDll.dll and LocaleEmulator.dll, you can run the game from any region.
  10. Sorry, I haven't been seeing notifications for Fuwanovel lately for some reason. The development is currently happening on the "maiya" branch of my fork. I don't think there's been a merge in a while so that would be why you don't see anything upstream. https://gitgud.io/WJHB/saimin-yuugi-translation/-/tree/maiya?ref_type=heads I haven't been making patch files every update because 1. I didn't really feel like it 2. It's not unheard of for me to go back to old scripts and adjust my translation. I was going to make one once the first pass of Maiya's route was done because that seemed like a good milestone, but it's taken a while (at my current pace, I'll finish it sometime in late May-mid June.) In the meantime, HypnoConductor made a patch which was posted in the discord: https://discord.gg/mXCz9hGk That one doesn't have my latest update, though. Still, if you want to check out what I have so far, it works.
  11. The only thing I hadn't seen was pantsudev's guide, but I don't even think that even counted as a guide since it's kind of general knowledge about the engine, lol. I've yet to analyze every .tjs and possibly .ks file (although I doubt about the latter since it wouldn't make much sense, they are usually for ingame settings and not so much about engine config) in search for something that makes the game process things on either Shift_JIS or UTF16 LE BOM. From what I read in a discussion about this somewhere, Kirikiri has UTF8 as its default encoding and japanese companies set them up as Shift_JIS, could be false, since it was just speculation, but it makes sense from a certain point of view. One thing I remembered is KrkrExtract's "Universal Patch". That function created a new executable which somehow let the game be region-free. There's something that that executable must have to make it work. Although it's kinda obvious that it doesn't rebuild the original executable to be region-free, it has like a third of the data the game executable has, so... If I knew enough about C++ and instructions, I'd check the source code for that part. But I don't so... there's that. I don't really think it is reaaally impossible, but what I DO think is that once the whole thing is figured out and a solid method or just a method to make it work shows up, it'd be a lot easier than investigating this whole thing.
  12. Finished 080.s! This one was one of the longest scripts in Maiya's route, and I enjoyed writing the characterization for Yanagi. There's one more relatively large one, and then a couple small ending scenes, and then the first pass of her route is complete.
  13. Yesterday
  14. Thank you for the suggestion. I’m aware of the scenes in all three of those, though. I’m mainly looking for scenes that are a lot less… extreme though. Like say, scenes that pop up randomly with a protagonist or character trying to be mischievous. Even those are acceptable, so long as they’re voiced. Anything else you can think of?
  15. For those interested, let's hope Shiravune does not butcher the translation. In the main game, I think the sister has one of the best routes. I thought I read she was like the main heroine. I could be wrong tho.
  16. Hello everyone! So far, we’ve been working on a huge list of issues that we’ve found during play tests. This time the main subject was characters, their combat capabilities, and animations. Some conversations and fights were quite blanc so we drew and added more elements into the story. Ro now has full equipment not only in text but also on screen, such as Net for catching creatures, Shocker for taking down other robots, Ears and Radar to check surroundings, and Submission chips for taking control of low-intellect monsters. May now interacts with objects and characters even more. She uses items on the floor and backgrounds more often as well as engage other characters to interact with her and surroundings. Those, it would seem, small changes rally make the difference especially in Project Genome where everything should be vivid and spectacular. We’ve also decided to additionally show you some funny bugs we’ve encountered and tried to fix using various methods (in later posts). Those graphical errors will make your day, that’s for sure. We’ve launched the Steam page for Project Genome. Don’t forget to add us to your Wishlist and get rewards! Our socials: Patreon | Boosty | Subscribestar | Itch | Discord | YouTube | X (Twitter) | Instagram | VK | Telegram Yours truly, Fluffy Tail Studio —RUS— Привет всем! Пока что мы работали над огромным списком проблем, которые обнаружили во время игровых тестов. На этот раз основной темой были персонажи, их боевые возможности и анимации. Некоторые диалоги и драки были довольно простыми, поэтому мы нарисовали и добавили больше элементов в сюжет. У Ро теперь есть все необходимое снаряжение не только в тексте, но и на экране, например, Сеть для ловли существ, Шокер для уничтожения других роботов, Уши и Радар для проверки окружения, а также Чипы подчинения для управления монстрами с низким интеллектом. Мей теперь еще больше взаимодействует с объектами и персонажами. Она чаще использует предметы на полу и на фонах, а также привлекает других персонажей для взаимодействия с собой и окружающим миром. Эти, казалось бы, небольшие изменения могут иметь значение, особенно в Project Genome, где все должно быть ярким и зрелищным. Мы также решили дополнительно показать вам несколько забавных ошибок, с которыми мы столкнулись и которые попытались исправить различными способами (в следующих постах). Эти графические ошибки, несомненно, порадуют вас. Мы запустили страницу Project Genome в Steam. На забудьте добавить нас в Список Желаемого и получить награды! Наши соцсети: Patreon | Boosty | Subscribestar | Itch | Discord | YouTube | X (Twitter) | Instagram | VK | Telegram Искренне ваши, Fluffy Tail Studio
  17. Yeah, JAST really is about to release the nukige in June later. That said, obviously it's not my interest here, especially with there are some other interesting non-nukige VNs from the olden time, although at least the art is still looking good even after more than 10 years since its initial release. Still, have fun if you've been looking forward to it.
  18. Part of the docs have been translated here and there is also this reference here. There is also some more random info here, here, and an interesting fork here. I doubt any of that will be useful though. So anyway, Somewhere in the kirikiri game engine there is a parser that only reads either shift-jis or UTF-16 BOM LE and the core engine game code was written in shift-jis or utf-16 bom le. For kirikiri games to be made region free, the encoding for the files for a game probably needs to be updated to utf-16 bom le and that game engine code updated to the same or ascii. Updating everything to utf-8 would be ideal, especially for translation purposes, but that might be more complicated/impossible.
  19. Well I only remember one of the VN has that scene, and said VN is Venus Blood Frontier with one of the optional sex scenes has the girl tickled by the tentacle. Other than that, euphoria (Has many other disturbing sex scenes though) and Nukitashi has one. I hope my recommendations will be helpful to you in case you didn't play those VNs yet.
  20. Last week
  21. Also I don’t know how to switch versions.
  22. Windows 10. My locale is on Japan. I don’t know which one it’s the 3,990¥ one off of DMM.
  23. Pretty much what the title says. But to elaborate, I’m looking for pretty much any visual novel that has any kind of scene (or even slight moment, really) where a character is tickled. The longer the scene the better, of course. Also they should be voice acted. If possible, I’d like for the visual novels that have them to be translated in English and/or available on Steam. I’ve searched the appropriate tag on VNDB, and so many of the VNs there aren’t available in English. Also, and I realize this might be even rarer, but I’d really like it if there were visual novels with tickling scenes that contain English voice acting as well. I’ll pretty much take any recommendations.
  24. The other day, I was working with some visual novels to possibly start a FanTL and a question came to mind: Is it possible to make a Visual Novel that will only run if you have your region in Japanese, run in any region? I mean, yes, Locale Emulator exists, but that just makes the program you execute think the region is on Japan. So there must be a way to make it work without the use of those tools. But I needed a game to test on, in first place, so I started working with Karenai Sekai to Owaru Hana. This is what I found out until now: First thing I did was open the game executable with Resource Hacker to find anything that could help me. I found the game reads "Shift_JIS" encoding, at first I thought it'd be helpful in the process to make the game run in any region, I've reached somewhere, but I soon hit a roadblock. You see, kirikiriZ executables have two encoding options: Shift_JIS and utf8. Changing the encoding in the .exe to "utf8" made it executable, at least, in any other region. But you'd get this error: Investigating a little bit into the error I saw that the engine working on utf8 reads the files as UTF16 LE BOM, and since most .ks and .tjs files were in Shift_JIS, I had to make myself a tool to change the encoding of all the files from cp932 (Shift_JIS) to UTF16 LE BOM to see if it worked. And would you look at that, ANOTHER ERROR. However, this one was confusing. The error was this one: "What?" "But the startup.tjs IS in the data.xp3 I created..." The next thing I did was to find out what was happening, and when I saw the data.xp3 of the game, THIS is what I found out: If one startup.tjs isn't there, the game will not work. I searched if someone talked about this before, and I found a fairly recent post on this topic with someone mentioning this when trying to extract the data.xp3 of the VN they've been working on. No one responded, sadly, so I had to keep investigating. I remember that in the official Kirikiri tools, there was a startup.tjs in a folder called "Encrypt", but I don't really think it has something to do with it since it's probably for another purpose, like encrypting the .xp3 files. But now, what can I do? I got stuck now since I can't find a way to get two files with the same name in a .xp3 file. And making two patch.xp3 files with one startup.tjs inside each is contraproducent, as patch.xp3 is made exactly to be able to replace files and those two need to "live in harmony" in order to make the game work. After analyzing executables from other visual novels, I realized I may have been wrong this whole time since they all had Shift_JIS as its encoding property. And yet, they ran in any region. The first two I analyzed were Sousaku Kanojo no Ren'ai Koushiki and 9-Nine- Episode 2. The only difference I could find was that the .ks and .tjs files inside the .xp3 were all in UTF16 LE BOM. I appreciate if you read this hell of a text wall I made. Do you happen to know something I don't and want to add info to this thread? You're free to reply to this thread with your findings! If I knew japanese, I'd try to look inside the whole kirikiri docs to see if there's anything of value. But I don't, so... there's that. This whole investigation was purely made because I wanted to know more about the engine, but it might be of help FanTL if I/we figure a solid way to make the region restriction go away, imo. Might update this if I find something else.
  25. Doki Doki Dollmaker Anniversary Sale and Giveaway! Art by Dejinyucu Our wholesome BL visual novel turns 1 today! Celebrate with us by participating in some of the anniversary events below: SALE Doki Doki Dollmaker and its art book are both 15% off from now until April 22, 2024! GIVEAWAY Like and share the anniversary post on Twitter/X @dokidollmaker for your chance to win a free full game key OR full set of charms! (Comment with a GIF that reminds you of your favorite doll for an extra entry.) STORE The Official Doki Doki Dollmaker Store is NOW OPEN! Stock and pre-orders are limited, so don't miss your chance to grab these exclusive goods. RINGTONE Download a FREE retro-style ringtone of Doki Doki Dollmaker's title song, “School Days” by Purple Planet Music, remixed by Shades! Fun fact: this is Lyle's canon ringtone in-game and can be heard in only one of the game's epilogues. RATE If you haven't already, please leave a rating for Doki Doki Dollmaker on itch.io – we're SO CLOSE to reaching 50 ratings! ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Art by Ahnna Adair Thank you for all of the support you've shown the project leading up to and after its official release! You've brought so much joy to this solo indie game developer – I hope the dolls bring you joy in return. ♥︎ Karitsa
  26. Mashiro-iro Symphony have finally a release date and it's May 2 and I'm really looking forward to play it in English. Mashiro-iro Symphony it's my favoritt anime ever and soon I can play the VN. I'm so excited to see how VN are and learn more about girls. I'm not sure which route I'm going for, maybe Uryuu Sakuno or Sena Airi. I'm going to play Mashiro-iro Symphony: Sana Edition as well, since I find Sana very cute and adorable.
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