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Where's all the posts? Five ways to tell if the RSS import feature is crap.



I've decided to delete all my previous entries and just put a link to where my actual blog is here:


Now that I've triggered you with a font and size change, I should get onto the meat of this article:

  1. It doesn't preserve formatting, especially line breaks. This is probably a symptom of how RSS feeds handle it. Since my personal writing style uses them for dramatic effect, this is unacceptable to me.
  2. It randomly decides whether to break spectacularly and show all the markup or not
  3. It's crap
  4. It's crap
  5. It's crap

Looks like I still have a ways to go before I become a professional list article writer.

The setting where the blog is just an external link on click feels really unfriendly to me. Perhaps doing it this way is exploiting the system... but I don't really care.


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