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Writing and VNs: Life's struggle.



Hello everyone, Jardic again. I told myself that I wasn’t going to post something so soon after my last one, but I was going through my old computer and I found some old stories I have written over the years and forgot I have written. Most of them were either fanfics or stuff I have written about and scrapped. It was probably sophomore year in high school that I have started writing that I started writing stories and thought about taking it seriously. I never took anything so seriously before and I didn’t have the drive to do anything until my English teacher taught me about not limiting myself. I was an outcast and didn’t like anything I was reading at the time, so I took up writing so I could read what I have written. I found it fun and a lot of people told me that I was good at my craft and I thought about doing this for a living.


Then in 2015 or 2016, I found VNs for the first time through a flash game I found on the internet. I was looking for an escape since I lost my job a few months earlier and I was looking for something to play. I think was a crappy game made by Dharker Studios. I forgot the name of the game, but I remember the maker. I didn’t get into VNs honestly until I started buying games from Mangagamer, Sekai and Jast more frequently. I used to be a massive fan of anime when I was a kid and I never had a reason to go back until then. I didn’t grow up with people who watched the same stuff I did, I felt alone in that sense. But I’m getting off topic. Those stories made me a better writer in the process and I felt like I have found my purpose in life.


I felt like the world was against me since I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. I was told that I was never going to be normal and I accepted that. I knew I was different, but I didn’t let that stop me. I wouldn’t be talking to you all if I was scared of what people would say. I don’t want people telling me that I’m not good enough to be a writer and throw it down the drain for nothing. My entire family thinks I’m crazy anyway, so I spent most of the time with my thoughts alone. Eventually, I will do something that they will accept me, but right now, they can just hate me for all I care.


I’m writing all of this because I am fixing to do something I may regret, or it may turn out awesome. I’m working on my first VN. It’s called Kazoku No Watashi No Sentaku or My Family of Choice. I’m working on it for a while and I am currently working on the script for the VN and I will post it when it is finished. If anyone is an artist or a musician or knows someone who is, let me know. I can’t draw at all due to my motor skills and I’m looking for some music anyway. I’m currently working on the script and trying to work some things out on Ren’Py. If you want to get in touch with me, look for me on discord. Hopefully, I can get this done and into your hands in the future. Until then, I’ll do what I can with what I got. Take care and I will see you next time.


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This reminds me, I myself was kind of into writing when I was in high-school. I was really bad at first, got a bit better after a few novels. Though I recently found one of the novels I wrote back then, and it was still pretty awful. :ganbarimess: But then the uni started, and I started having a lot less free time, so I eventually just stopped. Ever since then I never really got motivation to sit down and actually write something. Probably never will. I still liked making up stories in my head without actually writing them on paper, but a few years ago I stopped doing even that. Though, who knows, just a couple of days ago a had an idea of a story (which, incidentally, is a lot more openly weebish than anything I imagined before), so who knows, maybe I'll get anywhere with it.

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18 hours ago, Dreamysyu said:

This reminds me, I myself was kind of into writing when I was in high-school. I was really bad at first, got a bit better after a few novels. Though I recently found one of the novels I wrote back then, and it was still pretty awful. :ganbarimess: But then the uni started, and I started having a lot less free time, so I eventually just stopped. Ever since then I never really got motivation to sit down and actually write something. Probably never will. I still liked making up stories in my head without actually writing them on paper, but a few years ago I stopped doing even that. Though, who knows, just a couple of days ago a had an idea of a story (which, incidentally, is a lot more openly weebish than anything I imagined before), so who knows, maybe I'll get anywhere with it.

You'll find your way back some day. I got into writing because my mind goes so rampant due to my autism and I felt like it would help me expand my horizons a little bit. I lost my way when I started working and when i lost my job, I came back to writing because I was depressed about it. Eventually, you will find your way back to your favorite hobbies somehow.

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