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Akatsuki no Goei Days 4-6 -- Japanese.exe has Crashed



Kaito, Why You So Cool?

So welcome back, ladies and gents, to my corner of Fuwa. If you are here again it definitely means that you should probably be doing something better with your time. That aside, lets jump right in. ;)


So I have been playing Akatsuki no Goei, as some may know or have seen in my last blog post. Having finally come to the conclusion that Kaito is best male protagonist I learn better by actually doing, I jumped on a new track towards fluency.

Oh boy is it ever exciting.

So here is an overview of how things went down these last few days.

Yay first choice!!!


So the choice was obvious. What is a beast like Kaito going to accomplish sitting in his room? Not get the ladies, that is for sure. Easy choice is easy. ;)






and of course:rlKIsmR.jpg

Not a lady at all. Damn you Yuuki. You have ruined me. :(

After that I forgot to screenshot stuff, but it can basically be summarized as Kaito being a badass and making me question my sexuality. Didn't really make it that far 'cause I got a little busy.

On a totally more serious note, I am relying heavily on ITH and TA right now, which is to be expected as I am still a Japanese Language Plebian. Hmmm.. if you abbreviate that.. its JLP.. sounds an awful lot like the JLPT. Coincidence? Doubtful. :illya:

My favorite part of reading VNs in Japanese right now is understanding a sentence without having to looking up any of the kanji in a line. It feels just so good to be able to understand what is being said without any outside assistance. My record right now is 3 lines of actual text in a row, which was by far one of my most exciting moments while reading.

Of course, right after that, I get a bunch of lines where I just kinda click it with a smile saying "nope" when I try to understand what the heck people are talking about. Trying to follow Yuuki's train of thought is killing me by the way. Like. It caused the title of this post. My Japanese.exe crashed and it took me an hour to reboot it after his conversation with Kaito.

Although... he did teach me one onomatopoeia that I think everyone should know. It is very important to everyone's daily life.. and I just feel I should share it with you all, 'cause I am a nice person. :)


シコシコ。。。 Well played Japanese language... Well played.

Don't say that my blog is useless. Consider it... educational. :holo:

Maybe I will make this into a series or something? We'll see.


Recommended Comments

Son (尊) is possibly the best girl in the series :D

It brings me glee that you can enjoy the game and enjoy the learning experience. I did the same back when akatsuki no goei was one of my first jp vn's to read as well.

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Son (尊) is possibly the best girl in the series :D

It brings me glee that you can enjoy the game and enjoy the learning experience. I did the same back when akatsuki no goei was one of my first jp vn's to read as well.


Glad you enjoy my ramblings! :D


The learning experience is important~ Even if I don't really understand every single line, I am still understanding overall something I would otherwise never be able to touch if I did not study Japanese. 


Also, my thoughts on best girl.. remain to be seen. ;)

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