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Random Translation: Silverio Trinity (Dainsleif rant)



「かつて、核爆弾という殲滅兵器があったらしい。旧暦二十世紀に誕生した破壊の炎は、長らく人類を焼き尽くせる破壊の象徴だったんだとよ。 2500年代にもなればどの国でも当たり前の基本装備になり、それぞれが世界を焼き尽くせる量を保有しつつ、それぞれの領土へ常に矛先を向けていたそうだ。おまえ達が撃って来たらこっちも撃ち込んで滅ぼしてやる、という感じでな――いわゆる核抑止論というやつだ」

Dainsleif "In the distant past, there used to be a weapon of annihilation known as the nuclear bomb.  This destructive flame, born in the twentieth century of the old calendar, was for a long time the symbol of humanity's ability to destroy itself.  By 2500, it was basic equipment for every nation, every country had enough to wipe out the world, and they always had them pointed outward toward their rivals.  It was like, 'If you guys shoot, we'll destroy you'... in other words, it was the idea of a nuclear deterrent."


Without stopping his destructive actions, Dainsleif suddenly began talking about something strange.  He spoke of what was before the Catastrophe obliterated civilization, of the old era's history.


Dainsleif "The point of the theory was that if everyone had the ability to obliterate humanity, everyone would be too scared to start a war, but... what the hell is that?!  Were they making fun of each other?!"

ぞくり、と。聞く者の背筋を震わせるような悪寒が走る。今まで欠片も見せなかった怒りを顔に滲ませてダインスレイフは続けた。 紡がれる言葉はその一言ごとに殺意の圧力を発する言葉の刃。抑えようもなく溢れる暴竜の怒気に星辰体が感応し、大気を震わせていく。

A chill sufficient to make one shiver ran up the spines of those who could hear him.  Dainsleif suddenly showed his rage as he continued.  With every word, the pressure of his bloodlust came down on those around him like a blade of words.  The Astral around him responded and the atmosphere shook in response to the dragon's rage.

「どうして本気でやらなかった? なぜ全力を出さなかった? 本音を殺して、不本意を甘受して、求めた未来へ必死にならずわざわざ我慢し続けた? 大統領に総統、帝王……支配者なら普通考えるはずだろう? 世界征服ってやつをよォ。 自分以外のあらゆる国を這いつくばらせて、自分の国のためだけに生きる格下の奴隷国家として従えたいはずじゃねえのか? 世界の盟主になりたかろう? そのチャンスをどうしてわざわざ封じたんだ」

Dainsleif "Why didn't they go all in?!  Why didn't they use everything they had?  Why the hell did they bother hiding their true desires, endured their own reluctance, and went out of the way to keep their self-control instead of desperately seeking their desired future.  Presidents, Fuhrers, Emperors.... if you are a leader, wouldn't you think of this at least once?  ... World domination.  Wouldn't they want to make every country other than your own crawl on their bellies, living as slave nations for the good of your nation?  Wouldn't they want to become the ruler of the world?  Why did they go out of their way to eliminate that chance?"

「そいつらはなぜ、邪魔な国に核ミサイルを撃ちこもうと必死に努力しなかったんだ? おかしいだろうが、常識的に考えてッ」

Dainsleif "Why didn't they work their hardest to shoot nuclear missiles into the countries in their way?!  It doesn't make any sense, if you think about it logically!"


Mistel "Kuh...!"


Ash "Uoooh...!"

 静かな、しかし他を圧倒するダインスレイフの情動に比例して激しさを増す暴星の嵐。邪竜の毒が世界を侵し、変質させていく。  暴れ狂う巨竜と化した戦場で、魔星は世の不条理を憎む正義のように持論を吐き散らしていた。 何故だ、ふざけるなと――光に焦がれる殉教者は凡愚たちへの憤りをもはや隠しもしない。抑えることなどできはしない。

The tyrant star's storm of Astral become more ferocious in direct proportion to the quiet - but overwhelming to all others - emotions Dainsleif was displaying.  The evil dragon's poison violated the world and changed it beyond repair.  On the battlefield which had itself become a giant dragon, the Masei proclaimed his own worldview like a form of justice that hates the world's unfairness.  'Why?  Don't give me that bullshit -' The martyr who longed for the Light couldn't hide his anger at the world's foolish masses.  He couldn't hold it back.

「止めようとする副官の家族構成をなぜ調べて脅さない? 発射命令を出す兵士をなぜ権威や金で懐柔しない? 秘密裏に協力者を募ろうとなぜ欠片もしようとしないのか? できるはずだ、やれるはずだ。必要な情報を調べるのにかかる年数はいったい幾らだ? 資金を、人材を集めるのにはどの程度の時間がかかる? 二十年、十年? いいや恐らく必死になれば五年程度でやれるだろう。 本気で自国以外を核の炎で焼き払う。それを真剣に考えて考えて努力して……鋼の決意で実行すればやってやれないはずはないのに」

Dainsleif "Why didn't they research the family structure of the subordinate trying to stop them and threaten them?  Why didn't they corrupt the soldiers who were to give the launch orders with power and money?  Why didn't they even try to secretly gather supporters?  They should have been able to do it, they were able to do it.  How long would it have taken them to gather the necessary information?  How much time to gather the money and personnel?  Twenty years?  Ten years?  No, most likely, if they put their all into doing it, they could have done it in five years.  To burn away all others outside their nation.  If they thought of it seriously and worked at it...  if they had the iron will to do it, there is no way they couldn't have."

「もったいねえ。英雄ならやるし邪竜もやるぞ? なぜなら常に本気だからだ。 一片の曇りもなく、一度決めたのなら怯まないし諦めねえ。ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ……なんだその様は、まるで生きちゃいねえぞオイ! 人の可能性を、人生の価値を、どこまで馬鹿にしてやがる……ッ!」

Dainsleif "What a waste.  The hero would have done it, and I would do it too!  For we are always deadly serious.  Once we decide to do something, we, without a hint of doubt, will never falter or give up.  Aah, aah, aah, aah... what is wrong with you?!  It's like you aren't even alive!  Just how far will you go to make fun of the value of life, of people's possibilities...!?"


Gotta love Dainsleif... one of the craziest game characters I've ever seen, right up there with Kefka from FF VI...




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