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Clephas Guide to a fun untranslated chuunige life



For the hell of it, I decided to make up a 'suggested playlist' for people who like/are interested in chuunige who have just begun to play untranslated VNs.

There are two variations on this guide.  One is a 'test the waters, gradually take a dip, then dive into the depths' guide.  The other is a 'Spartan Guide', which starts out with medium difficulty VNs and moves into harder and harder ones at the top tiers.  Each VN list will have four tiers, based on a combination of my estimation of difficulty in reading.

For those unfamiliar with the term 'chuunige', some examples of chuunige that are translated are Fate/Stay Night, Tsukihime, Sorcery Jokers, and Tokyo Babel.  I believe you can get the drift from those four examples, lol.

Soft Landing

Tier 1 suggestions (difficulty ranges from a 4-7 on a scale of 10)- Tiny Dungeon series, Draculius, Hyper→Highspeed→Genius (main path only), Ryuukishi Bloody Saga, ExE

Tier 2 suggestions (difficulty ranges from a 5-7.5 on a scale of 10)- Bloody Rondo, Shinigami no Testament, Gensou no Idea, Sinclient, Innocent Bullet. Yurikago yori Tenshi Made

Tier 3 Suggestions (note: VNs on this list range in difficulty from 6-8 on a scale of 10)- Evolimit, Bullet Butlers, Hello, Lady, Izuna Zanshinken, Devils Devel concept

Tier 4 Suggestions (note: VNs on this list range from 6-10 on a scale of 10)-  Jingai Makyou, Soukou Akki Muramasa, Silverio Vendetta, Zero Infinity, Vermilion Bind of Blood, Tokyo Necro, Bradyon Veda


Tier 1 Suggestions- Evolimit, Yurikago Yori Tenshi Made, Izuna Zanshinken(starts at the high end of 'soft landing' tier 2 up through the middle of tier 3)

Tier 2 Suggestions- Hello, Lady, Bullet Butlers, Devils Devel Concept

Tier 3 Suggestions- Vermilion Bind of Blood, Jingai Makyou

Tier 4 Suggestions- Silverio Vendetta, Zero Infinity, Tokyo Necro, Muramasa, Bradyon Veda

Some Last thoughts

Understand, I know people who are just fine with conversational Japanese and even a number of native speakers who can't handle Bradyon Veda or Muramasa.  I honestly suggest you leave those two to last, no matter what. Bullet Butlers is slightly harder than Evolimit due to fantasy terminology.  Vermilion is the easiest of the Tier 4 from 'soft landing'.  I honestly suggest that anyone just beginning with this list do ExE or Draculius first, because if you can't understand what is going on in either of those even giving yourself time to do so, then you won't be able to play anything else on the list.


Toss aside stupid pride when playing chuunige and use a text hooker and kanji parsing engine (Mecab or jparser in TA will do fine).  Chuunige often use kanji in ways almost unique to the individual writer or that are so archaic that even a native speaker won't grasp them immediately.  This is a bad habit of chuunige writers in general.  Some writers even revive kanji that have been out of common use since the middle of the twentieth century. 

Don't feel like you are a traitor for looking up verbs or nouns you haven't encountered before.  Almost all chuunige writers use 'literary Japanese', which is almost never seen in anime or manga.  Literary Japanese, just like literary English, still uses terms that went out of use in the verbal part of the language decades or even centuries ago.  Still, the verbs and nouns themselves are most likely in the dict on your parser, so it should be easy to look up their meanings. 



Recommended Comments

8 hours ago, Infernoplex said:

No KKK on the list... probably because it would be a Tier 5 level, which is out of the scope you tried to cover here :D ...

No, it is because it is a direct sequel.  I also didn't put Silverio Trinity or Chrono Belt here.  It would be on Tier 4, about at the same level as Muramasa and Bradyon Veda, if for different reasons.

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Nice list, as always, but I have a question. What was they main factor that the listing was based on? For example, you listed Shinigami no Testament at lower level that Evolimit, though in terms of grammar, Evolimit was easier than Shinigami. Same goes for vocabulary. At the very least, I played these 2 in row and found Evolimit much easier. 


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10 hours ago, Sparteh said:

Nice list, as always, but I have a question. What was they main factor that the listing was based on? For example, you listed Shinigami no Testament at lower level that Evolimit, though in terms of grammar, Evolimit was easier than Shinigami. Same goes for vocabulary. At the very least, I played these 2 in row and found Evolimit much easier. 


I always found Shinigami no Testament easier, if only because the battle descriptions were more simplistic and it lacked scientific terminology.

Edit: To clarify, I base the difficulty level on three main aspects and one irregular aspect.  The main aspects are grammatical structure, the existence of unique jargon. non-common terminology, and its complexity, and the complexity and length of combat scenes and non-dialogue narrative.  The irregular aspects can be stuff like unusual kanji choices, archaic language, heavy use of regional dialects, and other issues. 

Edited by Clephas
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Bookmarked. Thanks for the list, Clephas! I'm making a few life adjustments right now, but I plan on picking up my Japanese studies again in a couple months once I've gotten everything sorted out.

I find your tier 1 suggestions to be a lot more interesting than the beginners list here. Not that I wouldn't want to read any of them eventually, but a chuunige would be a much better motivator for me (especially Draculius, which is something I'm particularly interested in).

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