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Random VN: Bishoujo Mangekyou - Tsumi to Batsu no Shoujo



For those wondering why I haven't posted recently (two weeks without a blog post is about the longest I've ever gone since the Fuwa blogs opened, save for the Fuwapocalypse periods), I've simply been too busy with work and playing Mask of Truth to bother.  This review was written up by Dergonu before then, and I only just got around to editing it. 

Bishoujo Mangekyou -Tsumi to Batsu no Shoujo- was my first Mangekyou game, so I wasn't quite sure what to expect of it. The limit of my knowledge of the series was that it has nice art and animated scenes. In short, I went in blind.

As I started reading, my first impression was that the game didn't feel like a nukige at all. The introduction felt like one you'd see in a story driven game. The writing, music and backgrounds set up a pretty heavy atmosphere, and the first real H-scene doesn't happen until quite some time into the story. Although H is definitely a central part of the game, I'd honestly say this reads a lot more like a "story driven game" than a nukige.  In addition, the game touches on a lot of things that doesn't exactly get your mojo going, like death, incest, rape and mental illness. Needless to say, the game was a lot darker than I had imagined. 

The story is centered around the twins Yuuma and Yuuri. The main character, Yuuma, harbors some pretty complicated feelings towards his sister. He has spent the last year in a hospital, for reasons yet unknown to the reader, and during his stay, his feelings for his sister only grew stronger.  Clephas: Spoilers contained in the box below.  Since I generally don't post anything that can't be guessed or read from the Getchu or official page of a VN here in terms of actual details, I'm taking the liberty of sticking this section into a spoiler box.  These are minor spoilers, so don't feel like you absolutely have to avoid reading them.  I'm just doing this for the peace of mind of the more obsessive members.  


Yuuma is detested by his own father, and the twins lost their mother several years ago in a fire. In short, Yuuma has it pretty tough.  After Yuuma is released from the hospital and he comes home to live with his father and sister, Yuuri suggests that Yuuma start going to school again. One thing leads to another, and Yuuma ends up enrolling at Yuuri's all-girl's school, cross-dressing as Yuuri's "little twin-sister."

The writing in this game was surprisingly good. It even felt poetic at times, and the true ending really had me thinking for a good while. As you might be able to guess by the title, (tsumi to batsu = crime and punishment,) the story delves a lot into morality. It's the type of story that gets you thinking about right and wrong, and how every person has a dark side hidden within them.  I'll leave it at that to avoid spoilers, but, in conclusion, there is a lot more to this game than what meets the eye.  So, I almost feel bad calling it a nukige.   I'd say this is definitely worth a read. (It made me very interested in the prequels. I'll go ahead and read those sometime soon. Hopefully they are as good as this game was.)

Clephas Note: The Bishoujo Mangekyou series is only technically a nukige series, since it has too much h-content to deny it, but each game has a solidly-written and interesting story. 


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Dunno about the others, but  I would warn you from expecting much from Biman 3, that game was so disappointing. Good atmosphere/world, but weak as hell story and characters. I might check this one out though.

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1 hour ago, Chronopolis said:

Dunno about the others, but  I would warn you from expecting much from Biman 3, that game was so disappointing. Good atmosphere/world, but weak as hell story and characters. I might check this one out though.

I played the original and I felt that the story and the ero were roughly equal... but that just means that the ero dominates, because ero in most non-nukige is one part in ten to one part in thirty, lol.

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6 hours ago, Chronopolis said:

Dunno about the others, but  I would warn you from expecting much from Biman 3, that game was so disappointing. Good atmosphere/world, but weak as hell story and characters. I might check this one out though.

Hm, that's a shame. This one was very good, so I was hoping the other games would be on the same level. I'll check them out at some point. Hopefully 1-2 are better than 3.

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