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Sora no Tsukurikata Final: Final Arc, Haru route



Surprisingly enough, Sora no Tsukurikata has managed to avoid driving me insane with rage.  *pauses for the gasps of shock and the screeches of terror from the audience*

In the end, this VN managed to mostly avoid the violence you would see in most VNs with mafia members as main characters, and it did so without going down the 'total moe-moe' route that most VN writers would have chosen in the same case. 

Haru is the main heroine of the game, but her route doesn't relegate the other heroines to inferiority like many other ladder-type main heroines do.  Thankfully, it feels almost identical to the other routes, save in that her route not only uses the events in her arc but also the other arcs to make it over into a complete story.  That was a nice choice on the part of the author, in that it made the other heroine routes 'real' without taking away the fact that Haru was the main heroine. 

Haru is... a bit weird.  She's an up and coming mage with a penchant for sticking her nose in other people's business and a cheerful optimism+childish idealism that would be annoying if it weren't also leavened with a surprisingly high capacity for reason and an impressive ability to concentrate on solving a problem.  She is, in the end, a normal kind-hearted girl, but this is one of those rare cases where that didn't turn out to be a bad thing.

Perhaps the biggest difference between Haru's path and the others is that the protagonist's personal issues are revealed and resolved in full, though perhaps not in a way that I would consider satisfying.  In fact, I thought the events leading up the end of the fourth arc and the beginning of Haru's story were way too rushed.  It seemed as if they deliberately truncated the protagonist's personal suffering in order to focus on Haru... and while that is typical for the average charage, it surprised me in a VN that has been so very atypical otherwise.

One thing I liked about the endings in the VN is that they all extend several years past the climax of the story... and into the period of time where the characters have chosen their paths in life, rather than merely going with the flow. 


Now, for my verdict on what I enjoyed most about this VN... it was the comedy, of course.  The character dynamic in this VN clicks in that ideal way that you see in the best VNs (though the antagonist is weak and/or a non-entity for most of the game), and that leads to some amusing running jokes. 

Overall, this VN was a fun ride.  It isn't an especially violent one (well, outside of Rizal cursing anyone who uses a gun to die repeatedly and be resurrected until they go insane), despite the mafia element.  This surprised me, considering the way the VN began, but it wasn't as much of a disappointment to me as it might have been.  This is no kamige, but it is definitely VN of the Month material.


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