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Random VNs: Shunki Gentei Poko a Poko



First, I should say that this is a low-price VN in the same setting as Hatsugamai (one of the better VNs released this year), written by the same guy who wrote that estimable VN, as well as Senren Banka, Love Rec, Satsukoi, Clover Days, Karumaruka Circle (Saga Planets), and Aete Mushisuru Kimi to no Mirai.  In other words, this guy is one of those rare, extremely high-skilled writers who regularly pumps out the highest quality moe-bait charage that so many Fuwans love but can also be loved by people with a working brain (nyahaha). 

Second, this VN shares echoes of the serious sister-complex that I saw in Hatsugamai (well, not as extreme).  Ai is... a rather openly dependent imouto character.  About forty-percent of the humor in this game (and there is a lot of humor in it) is her insane statements about the rights of imoutos to marry/love/sleep in the same bed with their oniichans. 

The rest is mostly the group interactions in the quartet the characters are forming to let the protagonist keep his scholarship.  To be honest, this VN is incredibly short... which makes it rather startling how much they packed into such a small space.  This VN openly states that it is a relatively low-budget affair, but the only areas in which it feels that way are the length (about seven and a half hours for me to finish all three paths) and the knife-sharp focus on moving the story forward. 

This VN has not a single wasted scene or line... and it never side-tracks.  Every single line is measured to create a specific result to better move things forward or amuse the reader, and as a result, this VN is one of a very small group of short non-kinetic VNs that I honestly was able to just enjoy for what they were.  In fact, this VN is pretty much ideal for beginners at playing untranslated VNs, as the language is easy and the tempo of the story is quick without feeling excessively hurried. 



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I like it so far. Good comedy and characters, the story seems nice too.

Have to say it feels odd that performance scenes only show the heroines' CGs, when it's supposed to be a quartet.

Ai best girl :rimu:

Edit: didn't like the game. Ai was great tho.

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