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Ojounana Character Special: Yuuzenji Tsurumi



Those of you who are familiar with Ojousama wa Gokigen Naname will probably wonder, "Why did he just introduce a non-heroine character before anyone else?"  The reason is fairly simple... this is a game that is defined at least as much by its antagonist as its protagonist and heroines.  This one of about a dozen VNs I'm replaying in parallel (as the mood takes me), and it is one of my favorites... as well as one of the two reasons I keep playing Ensemble games, even though they've made nothing but shit for the past three years.

I'll let her introduce herself first, with a translated excerpt from her intro scene.

鶴美「はしたないなんて、そんな意地悪言わないで? 私は仕方ないの」

Tsurumi "Don't be mean by calling me 'vulgar'. I'm hopeless.


Tsurumi "After all..."


She took a long pause, giving me her best smile, and spoke.


Tsurumi "I love money!"

鶴美「子供の時も文集に、将来の夢『お金になりたい』って 書いたくらい、お金が大好きよ」

Tsurumi "I love money so much that I wrote that 'I want to become money' in an essay as a child."


Tsurumi "So, there is nothing that can be done about me.


Hajime "..."

鶴美「世の中の人は、人生はお金じゃないなんて 平気で嘘をつくけど、私は素直で純真なだけなんだ と思うわ」

Tsurumi "People always lie with a straight face by saying that life isn't about money, but I think I'm just frank and pure.

鶴美「私はお金を手に入れるためならなんだってするし、 1秒でも早く、1円でもたくさん欲しい」

Tsurumi "I'll do anything to get more money, and I want as much money as possible as fast as possible.

鶴美「お金より愛が大事だなんていう人は、 貯金を全部私にくれてもいいと思うの、ねえ」

Tsurumi "I think that people say love is more important than money should give me their savings, don't you?"

鶴美「私、誰かのお財布から根こそぎ洗いざらい、 何もかも奪い取るのって、だぁ~い好き♪」

Tsurumi "I love nothing more than stealing everything from the insides of another person's wallet!

鶴美「それでも“愛”は残してあげるんだから、 それも許されるって思わない?」

Tsurumi "But I leave them 'love', so don't you think I can be forgiven?"


It was hard to believe that I was hearing this from a person whose name was on not only Japan's richest people but those of the world as awhole.


"'Those with wealth must do service to the masses.'"


True aristocrats aren't excessively attached to money.  However, this person is a born money-grubber.


When this person says that she 'loves' someone...


... it is another word for 'I am going to steal everything  you own'.


More frightening than anything is the fact that she isn't lying when she says she loves someone.


This woman, if someone gives her money or even if she steals it...


She is a monster capable of loving them from the bottom of her heart...


Because of that, dubious rumors abound about her having an illegitimate child, but I can say that is impossible without a doubt.


Tsurumi does not love the opposite sex, nor a child, but rather money itself.

鶴美「だから元くん? 早くお金ちょーだい♪」

Tsurumi "So, Hajime-kun? Hurry up and give me some money."

As you can probably guess from the excerpt above, Tsurumi is... more than a little insane.  She doesn't hide her motives at all from Hajime (though he misunderstands them at times), and she is unbelievably ruthless in the pursuit of money.   She isn't a heroine... nor is she a potential heroine (with good reason).  She's the antagonist who defines everything that can go wrong with an individual as a result of exposure to the twisted nature of old, wealthy families.


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